Do you hate exercising? Do you want to be healthier and fitter, but the thought of going to a gym fills you with anxiety? Well, I am here to tell you that there are numerous ways to “exercise” that you will enjoy so much, you won’t even realize you’re exercising!
Seven Fun Ways to Stay Active:
- Hiking
Whether you like the solitude of hiking alone or you would rather go with family and friends, you will be surrounded by the beauty of nature and wildlife and you will walk miles before you know it. There is no shortage of beautiful places to hike in and around Montgomery! Best Trails Near Montgomery, AL
- Walking

If you don’t have time for a hike, go for a walk instead. Even a fifteen-minute walk can get your heart pumping. Walk in your neighborhood, or during your lunch break at work. One way or another, get those steps in! Walking Tours in Montgomery
- Geocaching

For the adventure nerd in all of us…geocaching allows us to be real-life treasure hunters and get a great work out at the same time! Geocaching is a type of treasure hunt where people look for “caches” – hidden stashes of objects. Check out this Website for information on geocaching events taking place in Alabama.
- Dancing

So many types of dances, so little time! You can try swing dancing, Latin dancing, tap. The options are limitless! Try some ballroom dancing lessons at River Region Ballroom or step out for some country line dancing at one of the many Country Line Dance Bars in Montgomery!
- Martial Arts
Just like with dancing, there are many different types of martial arts. Not only will you learn to defend yourself, but the practice of martial arts can be a stress reliever. Try karate at the Johnson's Martial Arts Academy or jiu-jitsu at Montgomery Martial Arts.
- Cleaning

I’m shaking my head as I type this, because really? Who likes cleaning? But, by thinking of it as a great way to get fit, you can kill two birds with one stone (so to speak). Blast your favorite music at max volume and see how much you can get done during one song. Make it a challenging game and before you know it you will not only have a clean house…but you will have worked up a good sweat too!
- Play

Get outside and play childhood games with your kids and their friends. Hide and seek, tag, red rover, kick the can. These games will keep you moving…and probably laughing, while you enjoy quality time with your kids! 40 Classic Outdoor Games
So, if “exercise” is a bad word in your book, remove it from your vocabulary and replace it with one of these fun and exciting ways to stay fit!
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