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Finding Your Dream Home
With interest rates still relatively low, now is the time to start your search for a new home. Here are some tips to help you find your dream home:
- Make a list of priorities. Ideally, your dream home would have everything you want in it, but it’s still a good idea to make a list of what you want in order of importance to you. What are you most concerned about? Location? Square footage? Private backyard? You may have to give up one thing to get another, so you want to be prepared with your priorities so you will know what is non-negotiable for you. Also, think about desires verses needs when making your list. For example, a home might not have the vaulted ceilings that you love, but meets your needs and wants in every other way. Those vaulted ceilings are a “want” more than a “need”.
- Think ahead. How long do you plan to live in the home? If you are single or newly married you may want a starter home that you will only stay in for a few years while you save for a larger home. But if you are expanding your family or planning to work from home, make sure you factor in the space that you will need. Don’t buy a house that will only suit your needs for a year if you think you may live there for ten years. There is always the chance that things will change, but plan for what you know for sure now.
- Decide on your “most lived in” spaces. Where do you spend the most time in your current home? If you love to cook, chances are the kitchen is going to be the most important room for you. If you are a homebody who likes to kick back and watch movies, your den or family room might be the room to focus on. It might be challenging to find a home where you love every room, but you can give a little on the others if the one you use the most is perfect for you.
- Stick to your budget. While searching for your dream home, it may be tempting to extend your budget a bit. Don’t do it. A standard goal is to keep your mortgage payment (with taxes and insurance included) at around 25% of your monthly household income. Make sure that you have looked at your overall monthly budget to see what you can afford, and then limit your house hunting to properties in your price range. Refrain from looking at houses 1-2 price ranges above yours. You don’t want to get excited about a property that you can’t afford. In addition, once you have seen them, the houses that you can afford won’t look as good in comparison. The exception is that if it is a buyer’s market, you might be able to negotiate a lower price, so it is ok to look at homes just slightly above your budget.
- Decide if you want to do renovations or if you want a move-in ready home. If you are handy, you might see a diamond in the rough that you want to fix up yourself. Make sure if you do this that you are not shopping at the top of your price range because you will need extra funds for doing the renovation.
- Try to see through the “ugly”. It’s easier said than done for some people, but try not to just pass on a home because of cosmetic reasons. Look at the bones of the house and imagine its potential. Focus on layout and flow rather than paint and décor. If it’s the right home for you, cosmetic changes are easy and will give you the opportunity to make the home your own.
- Don’t give up! It might take a while to find exactly what you want. Be patient and don’t settle for something just because you’re tired of looking. You never know when just the right house will go on the market. It will be worth the wait when you move into the home of your dreams!
Make Cleaning a Breeze with These “Quick Cleaning” Tips
Putting your house on the market can be stressful in many ways. Not only are you preparing to move yourself, you also need to keep your home looking as perfect as possible for potential buyers. Here are some quick fix tricks to help you get your house in order and ready to show:
Cleaning the Microwave - No matter how dirty your microwave is, you can have it clean and shining in less than five minutes with this trick! Slice a lemon in two. Put it in a cup and add some cinnamon. Place the cup in the microwave and “cook” on low power for 10 minutes. Wipe the inside of the microwave clean with a damp cloth. The cinnamon makes it smell nice.
Dusting That Lasts - The secret here is to wipe your furniture down with a little bit of cooking oil on a paper towel. This will do two things. The first is that it will make your furniture shine nicely. The second is that it adds an anti-static layer which repels dust. You will need to dust again eventually, but not for a much longer time.
Getting Kids’ Artwork Off the Wall for Good - Finding that your creative child has used a wall for artwork with a pen or permanent marker is the worst! The good news is that the stain can be removed. Try squeezing toothpaste (not the gel kind) onto a damp cloth. Rub the toothpaste over the stain and watch it disappear. Here are some other ways to get marker off walls.
Keeping Window Tracks Clean - If you’re showing your house on a nice day, you’re going to want to have your windows open. But if you do that, you want to make sure that the window tracks are super clean. The easiest way to make sure they are, is to sprinkle the area with baking powder and then add vinegar. Don’t worry when it starts to bubble; it’s supposed to do that! Leave it for 15 minutes. Then wipe it clean with a paper towel and done!
Shiny Bathtubs - You won’t believe how easy it is to clean your bathtubs this way! First, warm (don’t boil) some vinegar in the microwave. Mix it with equal parts soap solutions in a spray bottle. Spray all over the bath. Leave it for about 30 minutes. Come back and wipe clean. The shine you get will amaze you! Don't forget to keep that toilet bowl clean and shiny as well!
Keeping Animal Fur off Blankets - Do you have pets that shed? If so, you know the struggle of keeping your house fur free. Vacuuming regularly helps, but doesn’t keep the fur off things such as blankets and throws. Believe it or not, there is a way to do that. Wash them once in white vinegar and you will discover that the fur never sticks to them afterward!
Hopefully these brilliant, time-saving tips will help you keep your house ready to show!
Décor Trends to Say Goodbye to in 2018
The new year is around the corner and with it will come new home décor trends. If you are thinking of redecorating in 2018, here are some styles that are not so trendy anymore:
- Open shelving - Open shelving appeals to minimalists because there is nowhere to hide clutter, but they aren’t the most practical of designs. Unless you have perfectly matching items, it might just end up looking like a bunch of random “stuff” piled on shelves.
- Painted brick - Natural brick painted white has been popular, but before you pull out your paintbrushes, stop and think about whether it will still be popular in a few years. Natural brick is classic and provides a warm, cozy ambiance. Once you paint it white, it’s almost impossible to make it look natural again.
- Open floor plans - Everybody is knocking down walls! Nobody seems to want walls or doors between rooms anymore. Living spaces that are entirely open have been all the rage for a while now. But sometimes having separate rooms makes more sense. Thanks to technology, more people are working from home and need a private space. Don’t be surprised if walls make a big comeback!
- Barn doors - This farmhouse inspired home décor trend is still very popular, but like any very popular trend, its time is sure to run its course. If you must add a barn door in your home, just don’t add one to every room. Otherwise, you might find yourself replacing them all in a few years.
- Granite countertops - For a long time a kitchen hasn’t even been worth looking at if it didn’t come with granite countertops. But the truth is there are a lot of other attractive options that are more durable, less expensive and not in every kitchen you see. Make your kitchen stand out with something different, like quartz, butcher block, concrete or marble
- Shiplap - If you watch any home renovation shows, chances are you have heard of shiplap…and chances are you have added it to your home. But like wood paneling of the 70s, shiplap is going to run its course in popularity. And when that happens, you’re going to have to figure out how to get rid of it. So, do yourself a favor if you haven’t added it already, and don’t.
So, if you’re going to be redecorating in the new year, you may want to avoid these trends…unless of course you still like them. Because at the end of the day, your home should be decorated in a way that makes YOU happy!
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