You’ve closed on your new home and it’s time to move in! This is an exciting time, but can also be a bit stressful. Where do you even begin? A good place to start is to create a moving day survival kit for yourself. It should include anything and everything that is important or of great value to you and should stay with you and not go with movers. Here is a list of “must have” items to make your move as organized and stress-free as possible:
- Toilet Paper. At least a few rolls. Trust me on this one.
- Pain reliever and all your medications. You don’t want to be searching for these necessities, so make sure they are easily accessible.
-Toilet Plunger. Yes, really. Especially if your new place only has one bathroom. Better safe than sorry!
- Cash for tipping your movers.
- A Multi-Tool. While having a whole tool box handy would be great, there is only so much you can (and should) fit into your survival kit. Something like a Leatherman will provide you with a way to open boxes and other small tasks…and it will fit in your pocket!
- Trash Bags. And clear recycling bags. Look up where you can recycle locally and have the address in your phone so you can take packing boxes/materials there after you unpack. Montgomery Recycling
- Power Strip and Mobile Phone Charger. There is nothing worse than discovering your phone is dying and you have no idea where your charger is! The power strip will come in handy because you will probably clear one small area and can plug in your electronics, a lamp, a coffee pot, etc.…
- Personal Hygiene Items. Pack an overnight bag with your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo etc. That way, when you are ready to call it a day you can jump right in the shower without having to search through boxes for them.
- All Purpose Cleaner and a Roll of Paper Towels (or two). Hopefully move-in day won’t be cleaning day, but you never know. Be prepared. Even if the house looks clean, you are going to want to wipe down the toilets, sinks and counters.
- Bottled Water and Granola Bars. You are going to be hungry. And tired. Have water and snacks on hand to get you through the day. Look up some Take Out Restaurants and have their numbers in your phone so you can have food delivered.
- First Aid Kit. Well, at least a box of Band-Aids in case you cut yourself opening boxes.
- Note Pad and Pen. Because you WILL come up with a list of things you need and need to do as you are unpacking and you will want to write them down so you don’t forget.
- Scented Candles or Air Fresheners. Even the cleanest house will smell a little musty if it has been closed-up for a while.
- Flashlight. Some rooms won’t have overhead lights and if you haven’t unpacked the lamps yet, a flashlight will come in handy.
Enjoy your new home! And if you haven’t found your dream home yet visit Homes for Sale in Montgomery AL or call Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professional Realtors at 334-834-1500 and start your search today!
Photo Credit: pinterest.com