Old Cloverdale Christmas Celebration
The Old Cloverdale Christmas Celebration is a joint effort of Sandra Nickel, REALTORS and the Cloverdale Business Coalition, Old Cloverdale Christmas has been an annual tradition since 1999. Midtowners are invited to enjoy a free family-friendly movie at the historic Capri theatre, visit with Santa and whatever help he has with him, enjoy free refreshments and exceptional buys on unique gifts.
Also this year, attendees brought food for the Montgomery Area Food Bank and had the opportunity to adopt a kitten or puppy from local animal shelters. One puppy and one kitten found a new home, nearly 100 adults and children enjoyed seeing "Hans Christian Andersen."
The 2006 event saw beautiful weather--a real blessing since Joy Love Bubble the Christmas Fairy joined Santa to enchant all comers and help them to appreciate the true meaning of Christmas: love and giving. A "new favorite feature" is our gingerbread house decorating contest! Cafe Louisa sells the kits; and entrants can either buy and use a kit or do their own thing. A good time was had by all!