Dealing With a Low Appraisal On Your Montgomery AL Real Estate
Sunday, May 15, 2011
So it has happened. You’ve spent recent months preparing your house for sale, negotiating a fair price, and anxiously awaiting the closing date. And now the appraisal on your Montgomery AL real estate has come in below the offered price. What to do? First, remain calm. This is not an unusual problem in today’s market. Understanding the reason(s) for the disappointing appraisal and exploring your options in saving the transaction may well be helpful at this point.
- Overpricing by you, the seller
- Declining market values
- An abundance of foreclosures or short sales in your neighborhood
- Inflated price resulting from multiple offers
- Incorrect evaluation by the underwriter
- Cash back to the buyer from the seller
- Error on the part of the appraiser
- Lower the price on your Montgomery AL real estate. Research the latest comps for your area, think realistically about your asking price, and decide if you are willing to begin the whole process again.
- Ask the buyer to make up the difference in cash.
- Offer to carry a second mortgage for the buyer if the above option is not possible.
- Check the appraisal for errors in information about your Montgomery AL real estate
. Is the square footage correct? What about the number of bedrooms or bathrooms? Have any recent improvements you’ve made to the property been included? If not, appeal the appraisal.
- Supply to the underwriter a list of recent comparable sales that justify the selling price and ask for a review of the appraisal.
- Order a new appraisal. Although you or your buyer will have to pay for it out of pocket, it could certainly be money well spent if it results in a higher appraisal. If your loan is an FHA loan, ask your lender for a list of approved appraisers. If it is a conventional loan, it is subject to the rules of the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC).
- Cancel the transaction. The last resort after trying to resolve the situation. Most purchase contracts contain a loan contingency dealing with low appraisals.
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