Life seems to be on hold right now due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), but that doesn’t mean that everything just stops.  While social distancing is vital to our health and well-being, moving to a new home is something that might not be able to wait.  Whether you are relocating for a job, or it was a planned move prior to the start of social distancing, you need to know how to go about moving during a pandemic. Here is a list of tips to help you with your move. Remember that moving can already be stressful under normal circumstances, so take a deep, cleansing breath and arm yourself with information that will keep you safe and make your move as easy as possible.

  1. Contact moving companies to determine if they are open.  If you had already scheduled movers you should contact them to make sure they are still available.  Most moving companies appear to be open right now, but that could change in the weeks and months to come.  When you schedule movers, ask questions about precautions they are taking to keep themselves, and you safe. The 10 Most Popular Movers in Montgomery, Alabama
  2. Research storage options.  You may need to put things in storage prior to moving.  Major storage companies continue to stay open, but they may have limited hours of accessibility or rules about how many people can access their units at one time.  Make sure the storage company you use is following proper safety practices such as sanitizing access pads between customers and maintain six feet or more of space between customers/customers and employees. Montgomery, AL Storage Units
  3. If anyone in your family is experiencing coronavirus symptoms, let your mover know.  Transparency is vital in order to keep everyone safe.  Your movers may still be willing to work with you, but will be prepared to put protocols in place to protect their workers. Even if nobody in your family is symptomatic, if someone has been exposed to the virus, you should still let your mover know that you are isolating due to exposure.
  4.  Have hygiene products on hand for your movers.  Provide soap and paper towels by the sink, and hand sanitizer by the door that they are using.  If you don’t have those supplies available, let the mover know so they can be sure to bring them along for the move.
  5. Avoid using free or recycled moving boxes.  Because the coronavirus can live on cardboard for as long as 24 hours, picking up free/recycled boxes could possibly put you at risk.  Either use boxes you already have at home or go to the store to buy new ones (and use self-checkout if it’s available!).
  6. If you are part of a high-risk group for coronavirus, you may want to consider cancelling your move if possible.  If you are over 60 or you have a pre-existing respiratory or cardio-vascular condition, you should reconsider moving right now.  It’s not worth risking your life!  So, if there is any flexibility, put your move on hold until you can relocate more safely.
  7. If you have to travel for your move, only work with hotels and airlines that offer free cancellation.  Everything is so uncertain right now and the last thing you need is to lose money on a reservation should your move get postponed. 
  8. Keep your distance.  Be smart and practice all the standard rules that apply for this pandemic.  Don’t get close to the movers, use sanitizers, and WASH,WASH,WASH your hands!!  Mark your boxes to let movers know what rooms they go in so that you don’t even need to be nearby to direct them.

As stated above, moving is already stressful enough. Don’t let our current situation overwhelm you.  The best way to do this is to arm yourself with information and use common sense precautions to keep everyone involved as safe as possible!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home, let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs!  Call them today at 334-834-1500!

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