Real Estate Information Archive


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Do Schools Matter when Buying a Home?

by The Hat Team

When buying a home various factors come to mind immediately-location, price range, home style, home condition, wish list for the interior and exterior, number of bedrooms and bathrooms desired; just to name a few. One component which can be overlooked by some but is extremely essential to many would be the local school system in the neighborhood. I highly value my communities’ school system.

Studies have found that home buyers would give up one aspect of their home to have their children attend a ‘better’ school district; this speaks volumes to how important education is for parents’. For some parents there are alternatives such as private schools but that is not the case for many. Even if buyers don't have or plan to have school-age children in the house, the quality of nearby schools can have an impact on how much you pay, and how much a home sells for down the line.

Montgomery public schools  have succeeded in the improvement to maintain outstanding schools for all of our children. Through strategic planning and organizational development our schools continue to advance! Here are the top rated schools in Montgomery, showing that good local schools are amongst us in high numbers and will provide our children with the learning and education they should receive but with the type we wish for them to obtain as well.

For additional information on our school systems please visit Alabama State Department of Education.

If you are you thinking about buying or selling Real Estate give me a call 334-834-1500 or send me an [email protected]!

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   


Organizing Your Home Made Simple

by The Hat Team

It is almost time for the seasons to change once again as we move from winter slowly into spring.  As the seasons change many people find that they like to get things around their home organized to make the transition seem smoother.  Organizing your home can be made simple with a few of the following tips. 

  1. One way to organize your home is to get rid of “junk drawers” throughout the house. Many times folks tend to throw things they don’t know what to do with into a drawer that soon becomes a drawer full of junk. While these drawers DO keep the junk out of the eye of those that come to visit, you just never know when someone may open one of them looking for utensils or other useful items and you may be embarrassed by them.  Simple fix…..throw out the junk once and for all and have no more junk drawers in your home!
  2. Another great and simple way to organize your home   is to organize and de-clutter your pantry.  Typically there are items in your pantry that you haven’t used in years and they end up just sitting there taking up space.  This is very true for old canned food items that tend to have a shelf life of forever.   Once you get this simple organizing of your pantry complete, be sure not to let it get messy again by throwing away things you don’t use periodically. 
  3. Yet another simple way to organize your home  is to use all of your closet space for things you will actually use instead of just getting things out of the way.   If you have a lot of games for example why not make a game closet just for the purpose of storing all of your family games.  This type of closet will make it more likely that your family may have a game night once a week because you will know exactly where to go to find the games. 
  4. Keeping all of the books in the house in one spot is another great organization tip.  If you have various bookshelves in your home, you can utilize them for other purposes and keep one for only books.  Organize each shelf for books from each family member if you have a lot of books.  

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   

How to Spruce Up a Boring Kitchen

by The Hat Team

The kitchen is a place in the home where many hours are spent preparing meals and spending time with family.  If the kitchen is boring and not ecstatically pleasing to you or your family, no one is going to want to spend any time there.  Below is a list of a few ways in which you can spruce up your boring kitchen and make it a place where you really love to be.  

  1. One of the first ways you might think about to spruce up a boring kitchen is buying new appliances.  The typical type of appliance these days is stainless steel.  Another type of appliance that folks are using these days are the ones that look just like cabinets.  Whatever type of appliance you decide to buy, you will be helping your kitchen look as good as it possibly can.
  2. Another way to spruce up your kitchen is by changing the paint color.  If your kitchen is older, it is possible that the paint has gotten worn over the years and adding a pop of color with new paint can make all the difference in the world.
  3. Yet another good way to spruce up a boring kitchen  is by changing the cabinets.  You can choose to have all new cabinets put in or you could just change the way they look by painting them.  Antiquing is a popular way to refinish and spruce up furniture.  Antiqued cabinets are very beautiful and can make a kitchen look really nice. 
  4. Buying some new lighting for your kitchen is an easy way to spruce it up.  You can get as crazy as you want with lighting when it comes to making your kitchen an exciting place to be.  Go to your local hardware or lighting store to see what all is available for you to choose from. 
  5. New flooring in the kitchen is another way to make it look updated.  If you currently have laminate you may want to change it to tile, or you could choose to extend the hardwoods from the family room or whatever room adjoins the kitchen into the kitchen.   

These are just a few ideas for sprucing up a boring kitchen.  Hopefully they will get you started in the right direction for making your kitchen a room that everyone wants to congregate in.  

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   

Reasons to Purchase a Home before the End Of 2017

by The Hat Team

Now is the time, now is the best time, now is the best time to purchase a home.  Do yourself a favor; don’t wait to purchase your dream home until the end of 2017.  If you have even given a small thought that you might want to move in the next year or so, go ahead and begin looking now so that you might be able to make that purchase today instead of tomorrow.   A few of the reasons why you should purchase your home before the end of the year are listed below for you. 

  1.  One of the many reasons you should go ahead and purchase a home   before the end of 2017 is because interest rates are already beginning to rise.  The current average interest rate is a little above 4 percent but that rate could reach 6 percent by 2019.  Begin looking for the home of your dreams now so that you can purchase one and get moved in while the market is in your favor.
  2. Fewer homes are available as the years go on.  Just a few short years ago there were plenty of homes to choose from; however this list is getting a bit smaller yearly.   Buyers of today will have many more homes to choose from than buyers of tomorrow so get out and get house shopping now!  Call your Realtor today if purchasing a home is on your mind. 
  3. House prices are rising and will continue to rise in the future.  If there ever was a reason to go ahead and purchase a home before the end of the year, this is the one!  You just might be able to get more of a house for your money now than if you waited until later to purchase. 

Again, if purchasing a home has even been on your mind at all and you think you might want to move in the next year or so, get a jump start on your search by starting today.  It can’t hurt to start looking now because you just may be more likely to find it now than later.   Buying a home is a big deal and can cost quite a bit of money so it’s best to start looking now to find the home you have always dreamed of.  

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   

Decorating Ideas for Your Pho Fireplace

by The Hat Team

It’s during this time of year that many of us start to put our fireplaces into use.  Since fireplaces are used typically to burn wood, those of you who have a fireplace that is just for looks may not know that you can decorate it to make it stand out and look very nice.  Below are a few ideas for decorating your pho fireplace  this season. 

  1. If you want your fireplace to look like it has some sort of warm glow like a fire can add, you should put a few candles inside of the fireplace during the winter months.  You can choose to use real candles to give a very warm firelight glow or you can even use battery operated candles to add a similar effect.  Ether type of candle you choose will be sure to add a touch of class to your fireplace this winter. 
  2. Another way to decorate your non working fireplace  is to use it for something other than it is designed to be used for such as a bookcase.  If you have students in your household and you find they like to spend a lot of time in the main room of the house, (where the fireplace can typically be found) using the space as a bookshelf is very beneficial not only for decorative purposes but also as a way to get your students to pick up a book or two and read it. 
  3. A great way to decorate your fireplace is to add some sparkling lights to it.    A few glass ornaments with some lights draped around them is a great way to liven up your fireplace during the holiday season. 
  4. If you have a special piece of artwork that you have no idea where to display, you may want to use your fireplace for this.  Typically a fireplace is the focal point of a room and adding a piece of art to this will only make it stand out that much more. 

These are just a few ideas on decorating your pho fireplace, there are many more ideas out there you just have to be a little creative and open minded in using the space for something other than fire.  When you think outside the box you never know where your decorating ideas may take you.   

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   

Tips for De-cluttering Your Bathroom

by The Hat Team

De-cluttering any room in your house can sometimes feel like a huge job to take on but for some reason de-cluttering the bathroom can seem to take on a whole life of its own.    Truth is there are many items in our bathrooms that we no longer use.   Take an hour or so to go through your bathroom with this list of tips for de-cluttering.

  1.  The first tip to de-cluttering your bathroom   is to do what was just mentioned, take the time to go through your entire bathroom looking for items you no longer use.  If you haven’t used an item in the past week you should consider either getting rid of the item or at least finding a spot for it that will help to cut down on clutter in the bathroom.
  2. Another tip for de-cluttering your bathroom is to throw out old toothbrushes.  Some folks may not know this but you are supposed to change out your toothbrush once every three months to keep it from forming bacteria.   If you want to keep your old toothbrushes you could do so and perhaps use them as cleaning tools in other areas of the house.  You might find that they are good for such things as cleaning in between tiles and other small areas that you can’t otherwise reach.
  3. Take a look in your bathroom medicine cabinet when de-cluttering your bathroom.  If you find medications that have expired, go ahead and toss them in the garbage right away. 
  4. Another tip for de-cluttering your bathroom  is to toss out any old makeup or nail polish you may have stored away in a drawer.  Old makeup and nail polish will not work like it is suppose to so there is no use to keep it around. 
  5. If you have a lot of half empty shampoo and/ or conditioner bottles laying around your bathroom you can use what is left in them to refill your soft soap container.  Throw out all the old bottles once you have used their contents to help de-clutter your bathroom in a great way. 
  6. If you have a lot of hotel soaps, shampoos etc, why not toss them into your gym bag and use them there to help make your bathroom less cluttered. 

De-cluttering your bathroom is quite simple really; you just have to take the time to do it.  Once you do, I am sure you will like the clean fresh feeling you have as a result.  

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   

Real Estate Listing Photo Mistakes

by The Hat Team

There are many kinds of real estate listing photo mistakes that can be made when listing your home for sale.  Realtors know these mistakes and will do their part to make sure these types of photos do not end up in the advertisement of your house, however if you are going it alone doing a for sale by owner you will need to learn these and avoid them at all costs.  Below are some real estate listing photo mistakes that you need to be aware of so that you don’t make them.

  1.  One of the worst things you can do when listing your house is to show pictures of each room’s corners.  We all remember children having to be put in the corner in the olden days of school and therefore the corner is not a very friendly spot to show when listing your house pictures as it may have some negative connotations associated with it.   If you want to show how big a room is, be sure to include at least two corners of the room in the picture, not just one corner. 
  2. It is best to not take pictures of the outside of your house at night if you want to use it as a listing photo. The best time of day to take a photo of your home for a listing photo is when the sun is shining brightly and the entire house looks nice and inviting. 
  3. Taking a photo of your home with a distorted lens to try to make the room look bigger is an old trick that needs to stop. Everyone knows that the picture is distorted and that the room is not as big as you are trying to make it seem.  Do your best to make the photos give a clear representation of what the room actually looks like so that folks are not disappointed when they come for a tour. 
  4. Make sure when taking a picture of a particular room in your house that you don’t show more of the ceiling fan than the room itself.  These types of pictures can look very dated and make your home look less than stellar. 

If you do your best to avoid these common listing photo mistakes you will be well on your way to making the best impression of your home with photos.  When you make a good impression with photos, you are more likely to get a bit of interest in your home that may even turn into an offer! 

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   

A Few Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Condo

by The Hat Team

If owning your own home isn’t on your agenda and you would rather purchase a condo or townhome to make things a bit easier on yourself, you are not alone.  There are several things however that you should consider and think about before purchasing a condo and a few of those things are listed below. 

  1. One thing to consider when purchasing a condo   is who the manager is.  If you have a manager that is easy to deal with then you shouldn’t have any issues, but if you have a manager that doesn’t see eye to eye with you on things you may find yourself wishing you never would have purchased a condo. 
  2. There are fees associated with owning a condo.  You should definitely check into the fees associated with your particular condo before purchasing it.  These fees can range anywhere from $200 to $400 per month or year depending on how upscale the condo is you want to purchase. 
  3. Looking at the condo financial statements is a great way to see if you really want to purchase a condo or not.  For example if the condos financial statements do not include paying for repairs on a broken street light, you may end up seeing the repair costs tagged on to your bill.  Taking these types of things into consideration could sway your decision one way or the other regarding purchasing.  If you find that repairs on such things are not included in a particular condos financial statements you may want to search for a condo that does cover them. 
  4. Knowing the rules of condo living can make or break your decision of purchasing as well.  Some condos don’t allow holiday decorations while others just tell you where to park.  It’s up to you to decide what is most important to you and what rules simply do not matter that much, however knowing the rules is imperative. 
  5. Checking out the condos liability insurance to make sure there are no pending lawsuits against it is also a good idea. 

These things to consider before purchasing a condo are just the tip of the ice berg.  Do your due diligence, ask questions and find out all there is to know about condo living  before sinking your money into a one you are not happy with. If you do all of this and you are satisfied, you will likely enjoy condo living and all it has to offer.  

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   

Montgomery AL Real Estate For Sale:


Pristine home situated on a quiet cul-de-sac in Green Acres. Move in ready with new carpet and fresh paint. Lots of living space with living room, family room/den and a huge bonus room addition. Bedrooms are spacious and bathrooms have new vinyl tile floors. Lovely covered patio perfect for relaxing and good size back yard with two storage sheds. Home has been very well cared for, check it out today!


Tips To Avoid A Reverse Mortgage Nightmare

by The Hat Team

Many times folks hear about a reverse mortgage on the television and they think it sounds like the best thing since sliced bread.  There are a few things you need to know about reverse mortgages before you decide to move forward with one and below we have listed a few tips on how to avoid a reverse mortgage nightmare.  

  1. One way to avoid even thinking about doing a  reverse mortgage  is to not wait until you simply don’t have any other option.  Do not go into something like a reverse mortgage without counseling with a HUD-certified housing counselor.  If you make huge decisions such as getting involved with a reverse mortgage during a time of financial stress, you will likely end up worse off than you started. 
  2. Another tip for avoiding a reverse mortgage nightmare is to search around for all that is offered.  You don’t have to settle for a reverse mortgage just because you think it’s the only thing you can do.  Talk to a financial counselor and find out what all of your options might be and then make an informed decision based off of the facts and not just what you think the facts might be. 
  3. If the lender you have chosen to move forward with suddenly starts telling you that your home needs a ton of repairs, be sure to find a new lender as quickly as possible.  HUD insures over 95% of reverse mortgages and they only require that the home be safe and functional.  Any small issues that your home might have shouldn’t even come into play during a reverse mortgage consultation. 
  4. If you feel pressured at all to sign on the dotted line to receive a reverse mortgage, do your part and do not sign the papers.  You don’t want to end up in a reverse mortgage nightmare just because you felt like you were being pressured into signing the papers.  Again, get up and leave the room if you feel any kind of pressure to sign on the dotted line for a reverse mortgage.
  5. Be sure to show up for the closing if you do decide to do a reverse mortgage.  If you are not present things may go astray and you might end up with a raw deal in the end. 

These are just a few tips to avoiding a reverse mortgage nightmare.  Do your part to pay close attention to detail so that you don’t end up living in the middle of a real nightmare.  

Courtesy of Montgomery AL Real Estate Expert Sandra Nickel.   

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