Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 71-80 of 279

The “DO NOTs” of Keeping a Tidy Home

by The Hat Team

Not everyone is naturally tidy. For some, it takes conscious effort to keep a home neat and clean. Wishing that you were more organized and orderly isn’t going to make it happen. You must take action!  Sometimes it’s more about what you DO NOT do.  Here are 5 things people with tidy homes DO NOT do:

  1. Tidy people do not allow the mess to accumulate until it becomes overwhelming. They are smart and know that cleaning a whole house all at one time is no fun. So, they have  daily tasks and strategies for keeping their homes in order. By maintaining a routine, they prevent their homes from ever getting too messy.
  2. Tidy people never run out of cleaning supplies. Have you ever gone to clean the bathroom and realized you have no toilet bowl cleaner?  Do you remember the frustration of having to stop what you were doing to go to the store and purchase more cleaning supplies?  Tidy people do not let that happen. When you have an established routine for keeping house, it’s easy to track when you are running low on cleaning supplies. Keep a list so that next time you go to the store you will remember to pick up knew supplies before you run out.
  3. Tidy people do not play first, clean later. You won’t find a tidy person sitting on the couch watching TV while there is a sink full of dirty dishes in the kitchen. Their motto is “better now than later”.  Because really, how can you enjoy anything if you are anticipating having to do chores afterward?  Take a few minutes to get things done as needed and then you can truly enjoy your free time.
  4. Tidy people do not store things on the floor. There is no “drop and go” in a tidy person’s house. Everything has its place and there is a place for everything. Letting things stack up on the floor (think books, magazines, laundry baskets, back packs, the box of items waiting to go to the thrift store) can make your house seem a lot messier than it really is.
  5. Tidy people do not over decorate. "Flat Surface Syndrome" does not exist among tidy people. Meaning, just because there is a flat surface, that doesn’t mean it must have something on it. A highly decorated surface can often look cluttered and messy. Also, tchotchkes are dust collectors, creating more for you to clean. That doesn’t mean you can’t have any special, decorative items around your house. Just limit them so that every surface isn’t covered with them.

If you are not neat and orderly by nature, it might take a while to break bad habits and become a tidy person. Start with these five “DO NOT” tips and before you know it, you too will have a tidy home!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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A Homeowner’s Guide to Saving Money

by The Hat Team

There are a lot of perks to home ownership, but let’s face it; it can be expensive.  You are not only making a mortgage payment every month, but you are also responsible for maintaining your home. But there are lots of easy ways to save money without ever leaving the house. Follow these tips and start saving today!

  1. Save money on your electric bill by utilizing natural ways to cool your house.  During the spring and summer, open your windows and use fans to get the air circulating through your home. Ceiling fans will help too. Moving the air through the house will help cool it down quite a bit.
  2. Another way to save on your electric bill is to line dry your clothes. Dryers use a lot of electricity, and there are many good reasons to choose line drying.  Not only is it an energy saver, but it may extend the life of your clothing!
  3. Get rid of cable television. With all the options for streaming shows on apps like Hulu and Netflix, you could save a lot of money by ending your relationship with cable and using apps to stream your favorite programs.  You might be surprised to discover that even after upgrading your internet, you will still pay less per month than you did for cable television.
  4. Always unplug.  Even when you are not using an appliance, if you keep it plugged in, it is still pulling electricity. It may not seem like much, but over years you can save quite a bit by unplugging when not using things. Chances are you are not going to want to be bothered with walking around your house to unplug everything, but to make it a little easier, consider using power strips so you can just unplug that at the end of the day.
  5. Use a shopping list. This may sound silly, but when you go shopping without a list you often come home with way more than you need. Make a list and stick to it. It will not only make shopping more efficient, but it will save you money in the long run.
  6. Learn how to do basic home maintenance. You can save a ton of money over time by being able to take care of home maintenance yourself.  By doing small tasks like replacing filters and cleaning out dust, you can lengthen the lifespan of many appliances, thus saving money as well. 
  7. Bundle up and save on heating costs. Invest in quality, warm blankets so you can turn the heat down and still be warm and cozy when you sleep at night.  Decreasing your heat by just a few degrees can save you a lot of money over time.
  8. Create a budget and try to stick to it. By creating a budget, you will be more conscientious about your spending. It will not only help you to see where you are spending too much, it will also assist you in prioritizing your spending.

Saving money is important.  Whether you’re saving for retirement or for a special family vacation, it’s the little things you do that make a big difference in the long run!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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Avoiding Foreclosure on Your Home

by The Hat Team

The possibility of losing your home to foreclosure is frightening. You likely feel a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Not only do you have to worry about where you are going to live, but your future credit rating can be ruined as well. However, if you act quickly after getting a foreclosure notice, you can possibly avoid losing your home.

Here are some tips to help you deal with this crucial situation quickly and efficiently:

  • If you can, pay the total amount past due on your loan. The lender would much rather have your money than your house, so this should prevent foreclosure if there are no mitigating circumstances. Of course, chances are that if you have received a foreclosure notice it is due to the fact that you don’t have the funds available to get current on your loan. But don’t despair…there are other options.
  • If making your monthly mortgage payment is beyond your ability, you can attempt to modify the terms of your loan. Depending upon the circumstances, this could mean reducing your monthly payments or interest rate.  You can seek guidance from your lender, or you may be eligible for the government assistance through the Homeowner Affordability and Sustainability Plan (HASP), which will allow you to restructure your mortgage.  The purpose of HASP is to help people who owe more than their home is worth or have more debt on their home than income. Homeowner Affordability and Sustainability Plan
  • While the goal is to keep your home, foreclosure may be unavoidable. You may want to consider attempting a short sale on your home. This requires permission from your lender. The purpose of the short sale is to sell the home for the amount of money needed to pay what you owe to your lender. If you can’t sell the home for the needed amount, you may be responsible for paying back the remaining balance of the loan.  Short Sale
  • As a last resort, you may want to consider declaring bankruptcy. It is a huge decision that should not be made lightly because it can have some harsh consequences.  In addition, it may not allow to keep your home, so it is definitely risky. Filing bankruptcy means that all lenders and creditors you have are given a stay on your loans, meaning they cannot collect until your bankruptcy case is settled. However, this stay is temporary. If the foreclosure process has already been started by your lender, they will not be able to repossess your home until all issues have been worked out. You may be able to restructure your debts and create a payment plan that will allow you to keep your home, depending on the type of bankruptcy you file for. But there is also a chance that you might have to sell your home as part of the liquidation of your assets. It is vital that you speak to a financial advisor before going this route.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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Buying and Selling at the Same Time

by The Hat Team

Let’s face it, selling and buying a house at the same time can be very overwhelming and usually involves some element of risk. However, it is pretty common for people to have to buy and sell at the same time. Per the National Association of Realtors, 71% of repeat home buyers still owned their previous residences, which means it’s highly likely that most of them were both buyers and sellers.

If you are lucky enough to time it right, you may hit that perfect “sweet spot” where you sell your house, make a profit that can be used for a down payment, and then find your next dream home, in that order. But chances are, things might not go as planned and hoped for.

Let’s look at some common challenges you might face, different avenues that might work better for you, and tips for getting through the process with your mental health intact.

  • Financial Issues – Chances are you might not have the amount of cash on hand that it takes to make a down payment on a house unless you sell your current home first. If you have found your new dream home and don’t want to risk losing it while waiting to sell, you have some options. You could do a cash out refinance on your current home, take out a home equity line of credit, or maybe sell some investments. But keep in mind that these options have costs and might not work for everyone.
  • Logistics – With all the details and decisions that have to be made when both buying and selling a home, the logistics of doing both at the same time can be complicated. You have to think about the timing of the purchase and sale and negotiating with both the sellers of your new home and the buyers of your current home; all while trying to organize and pack for your move. An experienced Realtor is vital to help you navigate this process.
  • Risk of Losing New Home to Non-Contingent Buyer – Buying and selling at the same time comes with risks, one of which is moving forward with a purchase before you have sold your current home. To minimize this risk, many homeowners choose to make their offer on a house contingent upon the sale of their current home. But this brings about another risk, because there is a possibility that your offer may get turned down in favor of a buyer who has made a non-contingent offer.  At that point you may have to decide whether or not you can remove the contingency, which may not be financially possible.

Now let’s look at some tips to help you navigate the buying-while-selling process:

  • Determine Financial Feasibility – It’s time to take a good hard look at your monthly disposable income and to ask yourself these questions:
  • Can you afford paying both mortgages?
  • How long will you be able to afford doing so?
  • Do you have enough available cash for a down payment?
  • Will you have enough available for down payment after paying both mortgages for a “worst-case scenario” period of time?

If you are living paycheck to paycheck, buying and selling at the same time is not a good option for you, but if you have a steady, dependable income and low monthly debts, you may be able to get through the process relatively unscathed. Talking to a trusted lender is a good idea at this stage because they can help you determine what you can afford to do.

  • Consider a Bridge Loan – If you do not have enough for a down payment, you may want to consider a bridge loan. A bridge loan is a short-term loan that uses the equity from your current home to get the necessary down payment to complete your purchase. But you must keep in mind that this is only an option if you are ok with taking on two mortgage payments for up to six months to a year; the typical term for a bridge loan.
  • Make Satisfying Offers to Both Seller and Buyer – If the thought of two mortgage payments is too much, as mentioned before, you can make an offer contingent upon selling your current home. With that contingency, your contract states that you won’t lose your earnest money if your house doesn’t sell. This eliminates your financial risk, but weakens your offer. If another buyer makes a cash offer with no contingencies, sellers will go after the cash offer every time. Today’s market of low inventory and high demand means that a contingent offer is not as likely to be accepted. One way you can have a better shot at getting your new house is to offer significant non-refundable earnest money, in hopes that the seller will be willing to wait longer for your current house to sell.
  • Look For a Cash Buyer – If you’ve already decided to buy your next home and sell your current home later, you definitely will want it to sell as quickly as possible. So, as a seller, a cash sale with no contingencies is the way to go if you can. You may want to seek out an instant homebuyer or a local real estate investment company to initiate a cash sale;  typically a much faster process than a traditional listing process. The downside is that the offers you may receive might be significantly less than what you might get on the open market. If your Realtor can help you find a cash buyer on the open market, all the better!

While the idea of buying and selling at the same time is definitely a little scary, the experienced, professional Realtors on Sandra Nickel's team can help you through the process.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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How You Know You’ve Found the Right Home

by The Hat Team

“When you know, you know”
. That’s what they say. But not everyone has a “say yes to the dress” moment (or in this case a “say yes to the house” moment) when they are shopping. Some people are more analytical and are not willing to make a big purchase with just a gut feeling. And let’s face it, buying a house is probably the biggest purchase you’re going to make, so it’s important that you know you have the right one. So, how do you know? Well, here are some signs that you have found the right home for you:

  • When you enter the home, does it feel like you’ve been embraced in a great big hug? An immediate sense of comfort and safety is a good sign that this might be the right house for you. You may not know for sure until you have completely explored the house to make sure it checks most of the boxes on your “wants and needs” list, but feeling a good vibe when you first walk in is definitely a positive sign!
  • When you’re walking through the home, do you feel insulted if the Realtor points out flaws in it? This is also a good sign that this might be the home for you. It shows that you already feel possessive about the home…as if it’s already yours. You are willing to overlook the flaws to see the bigger picture. Feeling connected to a home when you haven’t even bought it yet is another sign that it is the right one! Homebuyers: It's Ok to Overlook These 8 Flaws
  • Does the home fulfill your basic needs? You likely have decided what it is you want in a house and what it is you need. If needs aren’t met, that is usually a deal breaker. So, if a house meets your needs; has the right amount of bedrooms and bathrooms, the layout you want, the neighborhood you want etc., and it also “feels” right, then it probably is right. Even if it’s missing some of your “wants”, they can be added later.
  • If the first thing you want to do after looking at a house is to text photos of it to your friends and family, chances are you’ve found the one. When you are excited about something, you want to share it! Whether you’ve been looking for months, or it’s the first house you see…that urge to share is a sign that it’s a true gem.
  • When you decide to stop looking at houses, that a sure sign that you’ve found your home. If you think you’ve found the house you want, but you still want to keep looking - “just in case”, then chances are you are settling and haven’t truly found the right home.  But when you can confidently say, “this is it and I don’t want to look at any more houses”, you have found your home sweet home!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home, let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs!  Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more info!

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Is it a Good Time to Sell Your House?

by The Hat Team

Under normal circumstances, spring is the busiest season for residential real estate with many people choosing to list their houses.  Spring of last year was far from “normal” and we’re not quite there this year either. We do know more people are looking to buy homes right now than there are homes available for sale; making this spring a prime time to put your house on the market.

Let’s look at what it means for you if you are thinking about selling your house.

Housing inventory declined 39.6% on a national level in 2020, making it the lowest housing inventory year on record, according to In addition to the record low inventory, there has been a boom in buyer demand, thus creating a situation where home prices continue to rise.

With so few homes available for sale, buyers will be sure to notice when you put your home on the market.  And it is such a competitive market, that it is more likely you will find yourself getting multiple offers for your home. Per the Realtors Confidence Index Survey from NAR, the average home for sale is receiving 3.7 offers today, up from 2.3 offers just one year ago. That alone should make the idea of putting your home on the market very enticing!

This seller’s market gives you a HUGE advantage!

Another advantage of selling now is that when you get that great price for your house, you can use your equity toward a down payment on a new home.

But where will you go to buy a house if there are so few available?

Because there is so much demand for housing, homeowners are not sure what to do. While a house in good condition can get top dollar and sell quickly, there is a fear that once they sell, there might not be another house available in this market that they can afford.

Options for Home Buyers

There are options out there for people ready to sell and buy a new home. One thing to think about is new construction. When the supply of new homes for sale is below 6.5 months (how long it will take to sell existing inventory), builders take advantage of the opportunity and build more homes.  In December, the supply of new homes was 3.3 months. With such a low supply, builders are excited to start building to fulfill the needs of home buyers.

If you are looking to move up to a bigger or more luxurious home, you will find that there are more available at the higher end of the market, so now is a great time to find your dream “move-up” home! Or perhaps you are an empty nester near retirement and you are ready to downsize to a smaller, one level home and a 55+ community is the right move for you.  Selling now means getting top price for your house and the profit you make can get you into the right home that fulfills your needs and desires.

Another thing to think about if you’re on the fence about selling your home is forbearance. If you have benefited from not having to make full (or any) mortgage payments over the past year, it may be time to get out now!  This administration could retract forbearance at any time, thus helping supply; but higher payments or balloon payments could be on the horizon since forbearance is not forgiveness.

Whether you passed on selling your house last year due to the pandemic, or you just recently started thinking about selling, with inventory so low, it’s time to act now!

Getting your house on the market and ready to sell may seem like a big task, but  Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals are ready and waiting to assist you with every step of the house selling process. Give them a call today at 334-834-1500!

Living in Midtown Montgomery Alabama

by The Hat Team

Montgomery is a spectacular city! Its warm, Southern hospitality, high quality of life, and low cost of living make it an ideal place to work and live. While it is a mid-sized city, it has a small-town feel, giving you the best of both worlds!

You will find everything you want from a big city in Midtown Montgomery; from world-class arts and theater, to excellent health care facilities, to a bustling restaurant and retail area, and while every city has its own unique history, Montgomery is home to some of the most memorable events in American history. There are many family-friendly museums, monuments, and historical sites that celebrate African American history. One particular street is said by locals to be one of the most historic in America!  At one end of Dexter Ave., you will find a large fountain, at another the Alabama State Capitol, and in between, is the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. served as pastor in the late 1950s.  This street is also where Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. Montgomery is the city where the modern civil rights movement took off, and its rich history makes it an interesting and inspiring place to live.

Midtown Montgomery is home to approximately 193,000 residents. It includes established neighborhoods with charming, historic homes, the city’s two largest business parks, Baptist Hospital, two of the largest private schools in Montgomery: Montgomery Academy (enrollment 858) and Trinity Presbyterian School (enrollment 980), Huntingdon College (enrollment 1,000) and Alabama State University (enrollment 5,600). Midtown Montgomery is convenient to Interstate 85 and Vaughn Road, two highly traveled Montgomery thoroughfares between east Montgomery and downtown. 

If you are a foodie, Montgomery will not disappoint! The people here love their food so much, the Minor League Baseball team is named, wait for it…the Montgomery Biscuits! And living in Midtown provides convenient access to some of the best restaurants in town. There are no shortage of delectable dining experiences in and around Midtown. Cahawba House, a cozy breakfast/lunch spot known for its biscuits, Derk's Filet and Vine, a restaurant and market all in one, and Bibb Street Pizza Company are just a few of the many casual dining options. For fine dining, head to the downtown entertainment district to try Central, a locally owned, and regionally sourced fine dining establishment.

One of the best things about Midtown Montgomery are the neighborhoods. Beautiful, historic homes from Bungalow and Cottage style architecture, to Craftsman style, Tudor and Neoclassical Revivals, sit among mature trees and exquisite gardens; some of them walk-in ready and others a fixer-uppers dream.

Find more information about Midtown Montgomery neighborhoods HERE.

Learn more about life in Midtown HERE.

If you are interested in purchasing a historic home in Montgomery, Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team are the Real Estate Professionals for you!  Sandra and her team are experts when it comes to finding the perfect quaint cottage, bungalow, or mansion in historic Montgomery neighborhoods for their clients. Give them a call today at 334-834-1500 or send them an email HERE and before you know it, you will be living the dream in Midtown Montgomery!

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Why Home Prices Are Not Falling

by The Hat Team

The global pandemic set the world into a tailspin, and one result was that the US economy suffered its largest blow since the Great Depression in the second quarter.  It has been about a year since the housing market was on hold for a few months due to the pandemic last spring, and back then it appeared that the real estate market would go into a steep decline because of widespread stay-home orders. But that has not been the case. Instead, the US housing market has been kept afloat by homebuyers. It turns out that residential real estate has been very resilient. In fact, 2020 was a record-breaking year for the US housing market. And as we enter 2021, housing prices are not falling.

“The typical U.S. home was worth $266,104 in December, up 8.4% (or $20,587) from a year ago. A total of 5.64 million homes were sold in 2020, up 5.6% from 2019 and the most since before the Great Recession, according to Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist. Sales also rose 0.7% from November and 22.2% year over year. Existing home sales reached the highest level in 13 years.”

Just over a month into 2021, the housing market is still super-competitive for homebuyers. The number of active homebuyers is far greater than the number of homes available for sale, and as a result it seems unlikely that the current pace of home price growth will not change anytime soon. Per market data for the week ending February 6, 2021, the median listing prices grew at 12.9% over last year, making it the 26th consecutive week of double-digit price appreciation.


Right now, across the nation, homes are selling quickly and the number of homes available for sale continue to fall lower and lower. With homebuyers competing for homes, prices will continue to rise. In fact, per economists and market watchers, home values are growing faster than they have in a generation; and there is no sign of them slowing down.


With stay-at-home orders, there was a huge rise in remote work which, in turn, created a suburban boom, with an outbound migration from cities. A lack of developed land means that home builders may not be able to meet rising demand, leading home prices to continue to rise in 2021. While some urban cities still lack the supply of homes demanded by buyers in those areas, the pandemic has generated a desire for houses with more space; both indoors and out. Combined with historically low interest rates, you see prices rising greatly from urban-to-suburban markets.

Right now, it does not look like price growth is going to slow.  Per Economic Research, predictions are that annual home value growth will rise as high as 13.5% by mid-2021, and the year will finish with approximately 6.9 million sales, the most since 2005.

Another reason there are so many homebuyers in the market now is due to the March to July period from 2020, when a huge portion of the country was on total lockdown. That is normally busy time for residential real estate, and many people who had planned to buy last year are now looking to buy this year. So, it is supply and demand. Low supply + huge demand = rising prices!


If you have been thinking about selling your home, now is a great time to do it! 

Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals will help you get your house on the market and sold for the best possible price!  Call them at 334-834-1500 or contact them via email HERE. There has never been a better time to sell your home!

6 High Impact Home Improvements That Don’t Break the Budget

by The Hat Team

Whether you are getting your home ready to sell or just want a fresh new look, the following do-it-yourself projects will make a big difference without breaking the bank.

1. Spruce up the kitchen

Replacing appliances, cabinetry and countertops is expensive but you can update your kitchen without these costly changes. Update your kitchen by changing out hardware, painting or staining cabinet doors and drawer fronts, replacing outdated light fixtures, or installing a new backsplash.

2. Update the bathrooms

The same is true for your bathrooms. Inexpensive changes can have a big impact. Instead of replacing cabinets, paint the door fronts. Instead of replacing the toilet, replace the toilet seat. Deep clean your flooring and bleach or re-grout the tile if needed. Add a fresh coat of paint and replace old worn out towels with pretty new ones.

3. Paint the walls

A $50 gallon of paint goes a long way when updating your home. Well-loved homes take a beating from kids and pets. Covering up scrapes and scratch marks on walls and woodwork will make your room feel brand new. Add an accent wall for a totally new look.

4. De-clutter

A well-organized home does wonders not only for the esthetics of your home but also your mental attitude. Consider having a yard sale for unwanted items or donating them to the charity of your choice. If you haven’t used it in a year, it’s probably time to get rid of it.

5. Let the light shine

Let the light shine in by cleaning light fixtures and windows. Glass globes and windows should sparkle inside and out letting the sun shine in.

6. Freshen the floors

Renting a carpet cleaner from your local grocery store is a cost effective way to freshen up carpeting. And applying scratch remover to wood floors will make them look new again.

Most of the above improvements can be done in a weekend and don’t require a professional to get the job done. Simply put on your DIY hat to give your home a fresh new look.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home, let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more info!

Making Your Home More Desirable in 2021

by The Hat Team

With new trends endlessly popping up, it can be challenging to decide what home improvement projects are worth your time and money.  It will serve you well to research what trends are timeless and what trends have gone by the wayside before investing in updating your home, especially if you are getting ready to put it on the market.  To simplify that process for you, here is a list of the hottest home improvement projects for 2021!

  1. Swimming Pools.  In the past, swimming pools have not been the most desirable features for potential buyers. However, 2020 changed things. They have become a hot ticket item now that more people are staying home and are looking for ways to stay busy without having to go anywhere. Pool companies can hardly keep up with the demand, and even inflatable kiddie pools have sold out everywhere. Investing in something that can provide a “staycation” in your own back yard is a good idea in 2021!
  2. Smart homes. With the ever-increasing intelligence of technology, there has been a recent surge in smart home popularity. People enjoy the efficiency of controlling lights, air conditioning systems and home security with the touch of a button on their mobile device.  Best Smart Home Devices for 2021
  3. Quartz.  It looks like quartz is a trend that is here to stay, and for good reasons. Quartz countertops stand the test of time, look fabulous and are easy to maintain. Quartz countertops show well and can impress potential buyers. 
  4. Outdoor Entertaining Spaces. The past year has brought with it a huge demand for upgrading outdoor spaces for homeowners. Consider adding a patio, deck, pergola or enclosed porch to create an inviting space to spend time outdoors while at home. Ten Outdoor Living Trends for 2021
  5. Dedicated Home Office. With more people working and taking classes from home, it’s no longer convenient to just set up office at the kitchen table.  A designated work space is not only needed, but is a desirable feature for potential homebuyers.
  6. Closed Floor Plans. Open floor plans have been all the rage for many years, but again, 2020 changed things. With so many people both working and doing school at home, private spaces are needed. So, if you are planning a renovation this year, you may want to consider adding doors and walls to create separate spaces.

These are just a few home improvement trends that can make your home more desirable to homebuyers this year!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home, let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs!  Call them today at 334-834-1500!

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