Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 61-70 of 279

Considering Going Solar? Here are the Pros and Cons

by The Hat Team

If going green is important to you, you have probably considered installing a solar panel system to your home. While solar is certainly a smart long-term investment that can reduce your environmental footprint, it is important to understand the pros and cons of solar power so you can make the right decision for your home. Making your home more energy efficient is always a good thing, but there are a lot of solar power myths that are communicated via the media. Take time to do your research and educate yourself before purchasing a solar panel system!


  • Lowers electric bills. This is the top benefit of using solar panels.  With solar power, you are generating your own electricity, thus becoming less reliant on your electric utility company. This, in turn, reduces your electric bill.  Because solar panel systems generally last 25-30 years, you can save money on your electric bill for decades!
  • You can actually earn money using solar! Due to many Solar Incentives in the United States, solar panels not only generate bill savings, but also pay off in other ways.  Utilizing these incentives will allow you to be compensated for the electricity that your solar panels generate.
  • It will give you some control over rising energy costs. The cost of electricity has risen by about 5% over the past decade and that trend of rising electric costs is expected to continue. However, the cost of solar has decreased more than 70% over the same ten years. By installing solar panels now, you will avoid rising energy costs!
  • Improves the value of your home. Studies have shown that property values often increase after solar is installed.  So, even if you do not plan on staying in your current home long term, you can still reap the financial benefits of your solar panel investment when you sell.
  • It reduces your carbon footprint and moves our country toward energy independence. This is what it is all about, right?  Saving money is a wonderful thing but saving our planet…that is priceless! Using solar power benefits our environment and at the same time, moves our country toward transitioning away from fossil fuels and being heavily reliant on fossil fuel producers abroad.


  • Solar panels do not work on every type of roof. Because of the way solar panels are installed, not every type of roof will support them. If you have an older or historic home that has a roof made from slate or cedar tiles, it can be challenging for solar to be installed. Skylights and rooftop decks can also make solar installation difficult and costly. There are other options, such as ground mounted solar panels or buying a share in a Community Solar Garden.  So, even if you cannot have panels installed on your roof, you can still take advantage of solar energy.
  • You may not get a return on your investment if you are about to move. While solar is a great financial investment, it does take a while to break even on it.  If you are planning to move within a few years, you may feel like they are an unworthy investment. However, as stated in the pros above, solar does increase the value of your home. So, if you buy your system with cash or a loan, you can still earn your money back when you sell your home.
  • If you already have low electric costs, your solar savings will be low as well. Some people live in areas with low electric costs to begin with and in those cases a solar panel system will not be nearly as attractive as it is to someone who pays a high electric rate.
  • Upfront costs can be intimidating. The total out-of-pocket price for a solar panel system depends on many things, including tax credits, rebates, and the financing you use.  But the upfront cost can seem overwhelming, especially if you don’t qualify for a Zero-Down Solar Loan.  Many people will not even consider solar panels because they feel they just cannot afford the cost.  That is why it is important to do research and find out about solar financing options. Solar Companies in Montgomery Alabama  

While rooftop solar panels are not the right choice for everyone, they clearly do provide many benefits to homeowners. Going green and decreasing your carbon footprint can be done in many ways.  With our country moving toward clean energy, solar is one of the most consumer- friendly options.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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A Home Seller’s Guide to Real Estate Contingencies

by The Hat Team

Most real estate offers have contingencies
, which are provisions that must be met for the transaction to go through. If the contingencies are not met, the buyer is entitled to walk away from the deal with their earnest money. The fewer contingencies there are, the more likely a contract will go through in a timely manner. Earnest Money

Here are five of the most common contingencies:

  • Home inspection contingency. This contingency allows the buyer to have the home professionally inspected. If problems are found the buyer can request repairs by a certain date; generally, within five to seven days of the purchase agreement being signed. Depending on where you live, there may be requirements for repairs on structural defects, building code violations, and/or safety issues. But keep in mind that many repairs are negotiable, so there is wiggle room for the sellers to decide what repairs they are willing to make for the sale to go through.
  • Appraisal contingency. A home must pass appraisal for a buyer to obtain a home loan. The appraisal is a process during which the property’s value is assessed by a neutral third party. The purpose of the appraisal is to be sure that the home’s worth is enough to cover the price of the mortgage. Usually, the home buyer pays for the appraisal, which typically takes place within 14 days of the sales contract being signed.
  • Financing contingency. A financing contingency is also referred to as a loan contingency or mortgage contingency. It protects the buyer in the event their lender does not approve their mortgage. Although the timeframe for financing contingencies can vary, mortgage lenders report that buyers generally have about 21 days to obtain mortgage approval.
  • Sale of current home contingency. Sometimes home buyers will make the purchase of the new home contingent upon the sale of their current home. Usually, buyers have a window of 30 to 90 days to sell their house before the sales agreement is voided. This contingency puts the seller at a disadvantage because the buyer’s house might not sell in time.
  • Title contingency.  A buyer must “clear title” prior to having a mortgage approved. This is a process in which the buyer’s title company reviews any potential easements or agreements that are on public record. This ensures the buyer is becoming the rightful owner of the property and the lender is protected from ownership claims over liens, fraudulent claims from previous owners, clerical problems in courthouse documents, or forged signatures. Property Title Search: What it is and How it Works

These contingencies are common in most real estate sales contracts. However, the sale of current home contingency is used more often in a strong buyer’s market. Just remember that contingencies are negotiable!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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Budget Friendly Hacks for Luxurious Looking Home Décor

by The Hat Team

Raise your hand if you are a homeowner living on a budget who also wants all the latest and greatest home décor trends. If you raised your hand, these tips are for you! 

Check out these 8 ways you can make your home décor look expensive without breaking the bank:


Just having a fireplace to begin with gives your home a more upscale aesthetic, but if it is in poor condition, you do not have to spend a lot of money to give it a makeover. You can give it a new, modern look with things like laminate, paint, peel and stick tiles, and molding. How to Update Your Fireplace - 5 Easy and Affordable Ideas


Real hardwood can be cost prohibitive, but there are so many alternatives these days, many of which are just as durable and beautiful as the real deal. For example, laminated tile that looks like wood grain. The 7 Best Low-Cost Alternatives to Hardwood Flooring


If your house is lacking in those special touches such as trims and moldings, you can add them easily and inexpensively to elevate the quality of a room. Cheap and Easy Dramatic Baseboards


Sure, you can paint or put up wallpaper to make a wall stand out, but for that updated rustic charm that adds color and texture, wood is what you are looking for! Choose your wood, stain it, and add it to the wall for a look that will change the whole feel of the room. 50 Wood Accent Wall Ideas


Not only will this make your bedroom look more chic, it will also provide a beautiful “headboard” for your bed. It will add depth and texture to your wall for a much more upscale look. Cheap and Easy Board and Batten Tutorial


Bringing light into a room is a simple and budget-friendly trick to make your home look more elegant and luxurious. You can do this by adding lighting pieces that are unique and expressive. 5 Cheap Ways to Update a Room With Lighting


Along with lighting, a few strategically placed mirrors can create an illusion of space making a room look much larger than it actually is. In order to achieve this illusion be sure to hang your mirrors across from a lighting source, whether it be a window or a lamp light. Creating the Illusion of Space Using Mirrors


If you want a more elegant look for your kitchen, you do not have to renovate the whole room. It is amazing how much you can upgrade the look of your kitchen by just changing out the hardware finishes such as drawer pulls and knobs. Kitchen Hardware: 27 Budget Friendly Options

These are just a few things you can do to give your home a more expensive look while living on a budget.

Creating modern, upscale home décor is not out of reach!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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The Importance of “Location” in Real Estate

by The Hat Team

I am sure you have heard the phrase before, but “location, location, location” has never meant more than when you are purchasing a home. It is important to remember that you can buy the right home in the wrong location. You can fix it up, renovate it, change its structure…but in most circumstances, you can’t move it. It is attached to the land. Identical homes can increase or decrease in value depending on their location. Choosing the best area for living and resale value is equally as important as choosing the ideal home. Here are a few things to be aware of when searching for the right location for your investment:

  • Top Rated School Districts

Homebuyers with children often seek homes in highly desirable school districts. They are willing to spend more for a home in order to enable their children to go the “best schools.” So, even if you don’t have children in school, it will serve you well to purchase a home in a great school district. Best Schools in Montgomery AL

  • Recreation & Nature

Homes on the water or near parks hold their value because people enjoy living where they can enjoy the outdoors. Being able to walk out your door and quickly be in a beautiful natural setting makes homes much more desirable. Parks, Trails & Natural Areas in Montgomery, AL

  • Entertainment & Shopping

While some buyers seek out areas surrounded by nature, others may be looking for a home that enables them to walk to restaurants, movie theaters and boutiques. Some of the best “walkable” neighborhoods in Montgomery are Old Cloverdale, Garden District and Capitol Heights.

  • Economically Stable Neighborhoods

Older neighborhoods that have survived economic recessions while maintaining evident pride of ownership appeal to buyers looking for long term stability. Montgomery's Historic Neighborhoods

  • Public Transportation, Healthcare & Jobs

Some buyers will be looking for convenience. They do not want a long commute to work and want to have easy access to transportation and healthcare facilities. Montgomery Transit

So, when purchasing a home, remember…location, location, location! While the “best” neighborhoods may require larger investments, they are also the neighborhoods that will hold the highest resale value. When buying a home, the last thing you want to think about is selling it, but it is vital that you keep resale value in mind because, after all, a home will likely be the largest financial investment you will make in life and you want it to pay off in the end!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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Creating a “Back-to-School” Drop Zone

by The Hat Team

How did it get here so fast? Seems like just yesterday we were finishing up what was probably the most challenging school year ever. But the new school year is starting and it’s time to get organized so that the transition from summer to actually GOING to school will go as smoothly as possible. Creating a drop zone for the items your kids need for school will prevent the chaos and craziness that ensues when you’re rushing out the door and bookbags, shoes, raincoats, and lunch boxes are nowhere to be found. Check out the following tips for creating a back to school drop zone:


The whole idea is to create a space that can be maintained by your children. So, keep it simple. It is ok if you want to make it cute, but too much “stuff” defeats the purpose of keeping things organized.


Your kids will be ready to drop their bags the minute they walk through the door, so the drop zone should be easily accessible. Picking the perfect spot will go a long way toward making this system work for your family. Home: Entryway & Drop Zone


You can experiment with different ideas to see what works best for you and your family.Keep book bags off the floor and counter tops by providing hooks for hanging. Use labels of some sort to designate spots for each child.


There is nothing worse than discovering that you have no idea where the permission slip for your child’s field trip is on the day of the field trip! It is probably not the end of the world, but if you have to get to work, chances are you don’t have time to run by the school and sign another slip. Make sure that never happens by having a special place for important school related papers.


Kids’ book bags can easily and quickly become receptacles for “trash”. Papers, wrappers, dirty tissues etc. get stuffed in every corner and crevice of your child’s bag.If you’re going to provide a “drop zone” for book bags and lunch boxes, make sure you provide trash and recycling containers where they can clean out said bags/boxes.


If you don’t want your kids running through the house in their outdoor shoes, be sure to have a shoe rack of some kind where they can place them.This is also a sure way to make sure they can find their shoes in the morning rush out the door to get to school on time!


There are so many good ideas for drop zones available on the internet.  Whether you are utilizing a small space or you have a whole mud room to work with, be creative and make it a space that fits in with the décor of your home.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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Security Systems: What is Right for Your Home?

by The Hat Team

Peace of mind
. That is something all homeowners strive for when it comes to home security. It is easier to sleep soundly at night when you know you have a great security system protecting your home. And thanks to new wireless technologies and smartphones, there are a plethora of home security options to choose from. When choosing a security system, it is important to think about various aspects:

  • How does the system work?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Which features are most important to you?

What Are the Best Features to Include in a Security System?

The truth is, the security system that is right for your neighbor may not be the right one for you. From design to cost to level of service, you need to do your research and find one that best suits your needs and budget.

The first step you need to take when looking at home security options is to decide if you want to hire a professional alarm company to install and monitor your system or if you want to go the DIY route. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each:

Professionally Installed Security System


  • Pros install the system for you.
  • Installer will make sure it is working properly and teach you how to operate it.
  • You may get a discount on services if you have your system professionally installed.


  • Installation fees can be expensive and cost prohibitive.
  • They will have a standard way to set up your system and you will not be able to customize it (or you may be charged more for customization).
  • It may be inconvenient to schedule the installation since someone will have to be home while it is being done. Top Pro Home Security Systems

DIY Security System


  • You will save money on installation fees.
  • You can set it up on your own time; when it is convenient for you.
  • You can set it up exactly how you want it.
  • You don’t have to allow strangers in your home to set up the system.


  • You do the work. If you are not handy, it could be challenging and you risk making mistakes.
  • You have to learn how to operate it on your own; no professionals available for questions.
  • You may pay more for equipment and warranties that might have been discounted if you paid for professional installation. Best DIY Home Security Systems 2021

Whether you have a professional set up your home security package or you decide to do it yourself, you will sleep better at night knowing your home is being protected.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let  Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and ch check out for more information!

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Important Renovations to Do Before You Sell

by The Hat Team

If you are preparing to list your house for sale, you may be wondering if the financial reward will be worth the time, effort, and money to fix up things that are in disrepair or that are dated. The answer to that question depends on a myriad of circumstances such as the current real estate market, the condition of competing inventory and whether the renovations that need to be made generally provide a return on investment.

Some home buyers are looking to purchase a "fixer upper". They are looking for properties priced to sell, perhaps because they do not qualify for more expensive homes or maybe because they want to make a profit by fixing the home up themselves. Most “fixer” buyers want to do simple repairs such as painting walls, replacing light fixtures and putting in new carpet. Only a few want to take a house down to the studs and completely redo it. These potential buyers will want a price for the home that will allow for all the repairs, the inconvenience of doing the work, and often a bit more. For example, if a home is worth $200,000 fixed up but needs a new roof, and the roof costs approximately $10,000, a buyer most likely will not offer $190,000 for this home. The reason is that they can probably find a similar house that already has a new roof for $200,000 and save themselves the headache of replacing it themselves. A buyer in this situation might offer $175,000 or less, in which case it would make more sense for the seller to replace the roof and sell it for $200,000.

It’s important to note that many buyers are looking for "turn-key" homes. They fear having to make major repairs because they might be costlier than anticipated or other problems might be revealed. Even if the price is right, homes listed for sale in “as is” condition might not attract as many buyers.

However, before doing major renovations, there are many things to consider.

Smart sellers will research what their home’s market value will be once improvements are made and compare it to the cost of the renovations. If an upgrade will not provide return on the investment, it probably does not make sense to do it. Knowing the condition of your competition is helpful. For example, if other homes for sale in your neighborhood all have modern kitchens, it might make sense to update yours. This does not mean you should tear it down and start from scratch. Often a minor kitchen remodel will suffice. Also, keep in mind that kitchen and bathroom remodels are known to bring the best return on investment.

Start by making a list of the things in your home that are dated or in disrepair and then prioritize.  Here is a list of 10 minimum improvements to make before putting your house on the market:

  • Patch all holes and cracks in walls and ceilings.
  • Fix all appliances and HVAC systems.
  • Repair leaky faucets.
  • Replace worn carpeting.
  • Repaint dark or marred walls in neutral colors (not white).
  • Replace broken windows.
  • Repair the roof.
  • Change dated light fixtures/ceiling fans.
  • Replace old linens/window coverings.
  • Fix any code violations.

If your real estate market is a sellers’ market and homes are moving quickly, you can get by with fewer fix ups, however a home that needs repairs will still deliver a lower price. If it’s a buyers’ market, people might not even be willing to look at homes that need repairs. A professional Realtor like Sandra Nickel can help you understand what the current market is like in Montgomery right now; and assist you in determining what home renovations will help you get the best price when you sell!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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Your Guide to Welcoming Visitors to Your Home

by The Hat Team

With life getting back to “normal”, many people will be traveling to visit family and friends this summer. If you are expecting house guests, you will want to prepare your home so that is comfortable and welcoming. Here is a list of things to do before your guests arrive:

  • Buy Fresh Flowers - Even if you don’t keep fresh flowers in your home all the time, it’s nice to splurge a little to have them for your guests. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. You can often find lovely bunches of flowers at your local grocery store. If you have a green thumb and grow flowers in your yard, that is even better! Just clip some and place them in pretty vases around the house.
  • Clean Out and Restock the Refrigerator - Get rid of any lurking left-overs as well as any condiments that have passed their expiration. Plan your meals for the duration of the visit and Stock the Fridge accordingly. Make sure you know your guests’ dietary needs and allergies prior to their arrival.
  • Make a Spare Key - Unless you plan to spend every second of the visit with your guests, you will want to give them a key so that they have the freedom to come and go if you are not home.
  • Have Extra Toothbrushes on Hand - You will be doing your guests a great favor by having extra personal items on hand in case they have forgotten something. There is nothing worse after arriving from a long trip than having to go back out to purchase forgotten items. Other items to have on hand: razors, deodorant, feminine hygiene products etc.
  • Clean Out the Guest Room Closet - If you’ve been using your guest room closet for storage, now is the time to clean it out. Even if you don’t clear it out completely, make sure there is enough space for your guests to store their bags and hang clothes.
  • Declutter - Having a cluttered home might be ok when it is just you and your immediate family, but you will want to have a neat and tidy home for your guests. You don’t have to go overboard. You can leave out things you use daily, like the bag of dog food or the tv remotes. But put other extraneous items away for the duration of their stay.
  • Wipe the Ceiling Fan Blades - There are some things that often get overlooked in your normal cleaning routine.  Make sure to wipe down the ceiling-fan blades along with other nooks and crannies you might have missed before. It is also a good time to change your air filters if they have not recently been changed.
  • Replace Shower Curtain Liner - If you have not changed your shower curtain liner in the  guest bathroom recently, check it to make sure there is no mildew.  Liners are inexpensive and new one will give the bathroom a fresh feel. 
  • Prepare Guest Bath - Speaking of the Guest Bathroom - make sure it is fully stocked with plenty of toilet paper, facial tissues, shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Splurge on some fragrant fancy soaps to place on the sink. Provide a stack of freshly laundered towels so that your guests do not have to go looking for them.

Having guests in your home can be a little stressful sometimes. Preparing for their visit ahead of time will alleviate some of that stress so that you can enjoy their visit to the fullest!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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Houseplants That Won’t Harm Your Pets

by The Hat Team

If you love the idea of bringing nature indoors in the form of houseplants, but you also have some precious fur babies living in your home, then there are some things you need to know. Not all houseplants are safe for our furry friends.  It’s important to do your homework and find out which houseplants will add the beauty of nature to your décor while also being safe for your pets!

Luckily, there are plenty of options available that are not toxic for pets. Here’s a list of a few houseplants that are known to be safe for cats and dogs to get you started:

  • African Violets – These low maintenance plants come in a range of purple and pink hues. Keep their soil moderately wet and water them by letting them soak up the water from the pot’s drainage hole to keep from damaging leaves and petals.
  • Christmas Cactus – Unlike another holiday plant, amaryllis, Christmas cacti are not toxic to dogs and cats.  While they can still cause a tummy ache if eaten, they are safer than other festive holiday plants
  • Friendship Plant – This friendly plant, named for the ease with which it can be divided and shared, is a safe choice for your cats and dogs.  Friendship plants tolerate medium and low light and love humidity.
  • Lace Flower Vine – This pretty plant grows best in a hanging basket.  That means it should be well out of reach of your pets, but even if they got ahold of it and ate some, it would not harm them. Hang it in a spot with bright, indirect light and water when soil feels dry. It’s trailing stems will grow about three feet long.
  • Lipstick Plant – This unique plant has blooms that resemble tubes of lipstick!  It’s a tropical plant that thrives in bright light. It can grow up to 20 inches tall and needs to be watered frequently. It’s a great pet-friendly option for adding some bright color to your space!
  • Polka Dot Plant – Add some more color with a polka dot plant.  These plants have patterned leaves in colors like pink or white. While it can grow up to three feet tall, it will usually remain on the small side (12 inches or less) when planted in containers.  It needs bright, indirect light and moist soil.
  • Spider Plant – If you’re looking for a houseplant that is safe for pets and easy to grow, you can’t go wrong with a spider plant. They grow  best in bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light as well.  Be sure to let the soil dry between watering them for best growth.

While the plants listed (and many others) are technically safe for pets, it is important to remember that they might still get tummy aches if they ingest them. The best practice is to keep houseplants out of reach of your pets. If they should manage to snack on a plant, watch them closely for any reactions.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let  Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at  334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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The Heat is On! How to Keep Your House Cool During Summer

by The Hat Team

Summer. It’s hot. Really hot! With temperatures in Montgomery hovering near 90 degrees, you may have already seen the numbers going up on your power bill from your air conditioning running non-stop. But there are ways to help keep your house cool during heatwaves that will not only allow you to be more comfortable but will also assist in lowering your power bill.

Here are some tips for keeping cool when it’s HOT, HOT, HOT outside:


You can make your home more energy efficient by installing quality attic insulation. Good insulation will prevent heat from going from the attic to your living space. With the right insulation, you can reduce cooling costs up to 50% because fewer “on” cycles for your air conditioner will be necessary to maintain the temperature you want. You will also get a great return on your investment with an insulated attic space if and when you sell your house.


It is easier to keep your house cool when all the doors and windows are properly sealed. It is a good idea to have an energy audit done by your local utility company to find where cooling losses are occurring. Energy Consultants in Montgomery

    Window replacement is generally not desirable or an available option.  In these instances, invest in storm windows approved by your architectural review body.


Replacing weather guards around your exterior doors is an inexpensive way to keep your home cooler. You would be surprised by how much cool air can be lost in the little cracks if the weather guards aren’t in good shape.


Just having a ceiling fan can reduce cooling costs by up to 40%. When it is hot, be sure to have your fan on a counterclockwise rotation so that it is pushing cool air down instead of up toward the ceiling.


It is hard to keep rooms cool when heat is pouring in through the windows; especially south and west facing rooms. It’s a good idea to keep shades drawn in these rooms. Also use thick, dark curtains that have a white reflective backing. They are best at keeping the heat out.


If you have older, single-pane windows, it is likely they are drafty and allowing air conditioning to leak out. Most older windows also have poor or no insulation around the window frames. While it may seem like an expensive investment to replace all your windows, it will be worthwhile in the end with all the money you will save on your energy bill.


Don’t wait until your AC isn’t working to have someone inspect it. Have a professional technician inspect and review your complete system to be sure that it is working efficiently. That way you can manage any problems before the system breaks down and you are left to deal with the heat while it is being fixed.


A smart thermostat will allow you to set the temperature to be slightly warmer during the hours you are not home, and then to adjust to a cooler temperature one or two hours before you get home. No more wasting air on an empty house or coming home to a “sauna”.


When it is hot outside, your AC filters are working harder than usual.It is recommended that you replace your AC filters every month; especially during the hottest months when it is running more frequently. When air flows easily, your AC system runs more efficiently.


When there is a lot of humidity, the whole house can feel warmer, damper, and very uncomfortable. If you want to feel cooler in high humidity, consider purchasing a dehumidifier to help remove moisture from the air. Your house will feel cooler even when the temperatures soar.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information!

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