Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 31-40 of 279

Paying Taxes is No Fun, But You Can Save as a Homeowner

by The Hat Team

Owning a home is part of the American dream. Working hard, saving money, finding the right house, and going through the mortgage process all pays off when you move into your own home and being to enjoy the perks that come with what is likely to be your largest financial investment. Some of those perks come in the form of tax breaks. And with tax season around the corner, it’s time to educate yourself about those tax breaks. You might be surprised to discover that many of your biggest home-related expenses are often tax deductible.

Here are the top four tax breaks for homeowners:


The most significant tax break you’ll get is a mortgage interest deduction, which is nice since a huge part of your monthly mortgage payment goes towards paying off interest for a while after your purchase. All the interest you pay during the tax year will be deductible. However, if you own properties with mortgage balances over a million dollars, the IRS will limit your deductible interest. If you own a second home, your interest for that home is also deductible as long as you are residing there part of the year. If you stay there less than 14 days out of the year or less than 10% of the number of days you rent it out, the IRS may consider it a residential rental property, and in that case, you will not be able to take an interest deduction.


Another large deduction you get to make as a homeowner is on your property taxes. As a homeowner, you will always have to pay some form of real estate tax. If you have an escrow account, which most mortgages do, it means you have been paying a portion of your property tax bill for the year as part of your monthly mortgage payment. At the end of the tax year, your lender will send you a statement, which will tell you what you have paid in taxes and interest and how much went into your escrow account to be used toward taxes. You will be able to deduct the amount your lender paid from your escrow toward taxes.


When you purchase a home, you have the option to pay mortgage points to your lender to lower your interest rate. A point is typically 1% of the loan price, so if you bought or built a new home that cost $300,000 and you paid your lender for one origination point, this should enable you to deduct the $3,000 in closing costs paid from your taxes for the year of the home purchase.


Making improvements to the energy efficiency of your home will not only save you money on energy costs, it may also help you qualify for a tax credit. Tax credits can be better than tax deductions as they are a dollar-for-dollar savings no matter what tax bracket you are in. Things like upgrading windows, roofing, appliances and more with energy efficient equipment will often count toward a tax credit. But since the IRS does change things from year to year, be sure to check with them beforehand so you will know what tax credits you qualify for.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me, Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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Color Me Happy: Use These Hues to Create a Positive Vibe in Your Home

by The Hat Team

Have you been thinking about painting some rooms in your home? You may want to keep in mind that the colors in your home can have a huge effect on your moods. The shade of your walls has been shown to affect emotions. For example, there are certain colors that will bring you down; ones that will help you relax; and even some that will suppress your appetite. So, when choosing what colors to use in your home, take these into consideration:

Yellow for HAPPINESS

Yellow is a natural source of positive energy and sparks feelings of happiness. Shades of yellow can also activate metabolism and boost thinking.

Sky Blue for RENEWAL

Pale blues are calming and help to restore natural rhythms. Sleeping well contributes to productivity and overall well-being. Calming blues have soothing and restorative qualities that help you rest better.

Violet Black for MINDFULNESS

While it may appear dark and moody, a hidden undertone of violet in a dark background draws you in and provides a sense of escape and relaxation. This color also creates a space for focus and reflection.

Yellow-Green for OPTIMISM

This combination of green and yellow captures the essence of spring’s first bloom and the anticipation of renewal. These colors bring positive energy into a space and stimulate personal growth.

Silver-Sage for BALANCE

The blend of sage green and silvery gray provides balance and harmony. These are the perfect colors for a peaceful, refreshing, and tranquil living space.

Red for ENERGY

A vibrant color like red is an excellent choice if you are someone who often feels sluggish and lazy. Red brings on alertness. It is best used sparsely to bring a pop of color into a room. For example, you could paint your cabinets red or create a statement wall in an otherwise neutral room.

Whether you plan to paint for your own health and happiness, or you are sprucing your house up to put it on the market, choosing the right colors can make all the difference in the world!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me, Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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Be Ready for These Expenses When Buying a House

by The Hat Team

Buying your first home is exciting. After getting approved for a mortgage loan, working with a professional Realtor and finding your dream home, it’s time to settle in and start enjoying your new digs. Then BAM!  The shock of an unexpected expense slaps you in the face. Don’t let that happen to you. Being informed about the possible expenses of being a homeowner will not make spending the money any more fun, but at least you will be prepared. 

Here are some ancillary costs of homeownership that you should be aware of:


When closing on your mortgage you will be presented with a long list of costs: mortgage taxes, lender application fees, attorney’s fees, title insurance, recording fees and any potential real estate tax reimbursements if the seller has paid them up front. Altogether, closing costs are an average of 2 to 5 percent of the total cost of the home. They will vary from state to state.


Now that you are a homeowner, you are solely responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of your property. Everything from yardwork to cleaning; pressure washing to clearing the gutters…it’s all in your hands and on your dime. Oh…and fixing things. Yeah. When the AC isn’t working or there is a leaky faucet, you will be footing the bill for repairs. This all sounds a bit overwhelming, but the key is to be prepared. Go into your home purchase knowing that you will likely be spending about 1% of the purchase price of your home on maintenance annually.


Property taxes vary by state and can also vary based on city, ordinance, and even specific house. You can utilize a Property Tax Calculator to get an idea of what your taxes will be when planning for your expenses.


If you’re coming from a rental where your utilities were included with the rent, you may not have considered how much you will need to set aside to pay for electricity, gas, water, and sewage costs. Added to internet, cable and phone bills, it can be quite a chunk of change. Planning for utility costs is crucial to making sure you can afford to live in a home of your own.


    When you get a mortgage, you must get homeowner’s insurance as well. Be sure to do your homework and shop around for the best possible price. You can get discounts for things like security systems, working from home or bundling coverage for your home with your auto insurance policy. Educate yourself on what your insurance policy covers so that you’re not left disappointed when you must pay for something you thought would be taken care of.

Don’t let these expenses scare you off from purchasing a home. Again, the key is to be aware of them going in so that you won’t be caught unawares when they come up.

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me, Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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Prepare for 2023 With Some Homeowner Resolutions

by The Hat Team

The holidays are winding down and the new year is upon us. Chances are you are thinking about some personal goals you would like to achieve in 2023, but if you are a homeowner, you might want to add some resolutions to your list regarding your home. 

Here are some homeowner resolutions for you to consider in 2023:

  1. Do a HOME INVENTORY and put together a DISASTER KIT for your home. You never know when disaster may strike, and while it is no fun to think about, it is important to be prepared. Include your home inventory and financial documents in your disaster kit so that you will be ready should the unthinkable happen. Make sure that your kit is stored in a fireproof, safe place that will be easily accessible if you need it.
  2. Think about getting a Home Warranty. If your appliances are nearing the end of their life cycles, a home warranty could possibly help prevent high costs for replacements. Just be sure you do your research and read customer reviews regarding different home warranty options. And always read the fine print so that you don’t get blindsided by exclusions.
  3. Thoroughly examine your Homeowner’s Insurance. You likely got a standard homeowner’s insurance policy to satisfy the lender when you purchased the home, but that does not assure that you are adequately covered. Each policy has unique coverage options and exclusions that you may not be aware of. Look it over and find out what it does and does not cover and then decide if it is adequate for you or if you need to purchase a different one.
  4. Make saving for an emergency a priority. Sometimes homeowners are blindsided by unforeseen expenses. An Emergency Fund can be a life saver when that happens!  Think of it as a safety net for your home. An ideal emergency fund will be able to cover several months of expenses. Don’t let that overwhelm you. You have to start somewhere. Just start setting aside a small portion of your income each month and before you know it, you will have sizeable savings for emergencies.
  5. Start building your equity. If you financed your home mortgage, it will be years before you own your home outright. But there are ways to build equity faster, which will enable you to enjoy the benefits of homeownership sooner. Home equity is a valuable asset that can be used to pay for things like home improvements or student loans. 

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me, Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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Your Dream of Homeownership Can Come True in 2023

by The Hat Team

With Christmas right around the corner, you might already be thinking about your new year’s resolutions. And if those resolutions include buying a home, it’s never too early to start considering how you can defeat debt in order to achieve your dream of homeownership!

Realtors see two major challenges time and time again with first time home buyers that effect their ability to purchase a home:

  1. They often carry too much debt.
  2. They don’t have enough cash for a down payment.

These two issues are strongly related in that people need to reduce debts that inhibit them from saving money.

We all know that we shouldn’t spend more than we earn, but falling into the debt trap is easy to do. You see a pair of boots that you must have and you think, I will use my credit card now and pay for them with my next paycheck. It sounds reasonable at the time, but next thing you know you’ve done something like that often enough that there is a beastly credit card balance hanging over your head.

So, now you’re in debt. You have regrets, but no use doing the “should have, would have, could have” dance. Now it’s time to move forward and take the steps needed to reduce your debt.

Here is a list of things to do to change the way you manage your money. Follow these steps and before you know it you will be on your way to saving for a down payment on your first home!


The first step to getting out of debt is to stop adding to your outstanding balances. To remove temptation, carry only one credit card with you…and make sure it is the one with the lowest limit so that it is impossible to get into serious trouble with it. Leave any other credit cards in a safe place at home to keep yourself from going on an impulsive shopping spree.


This may not be a fun activity, but it is helpful to see how you are spending. Create a list of where your money goes each month including rent, utilities, car payments, food, credit cards etc. Once you have done this, split the list into two categories: bills you must pay every month and debts you need to pay off. The second list then can be organized in order of urgency, either based on outstanding balance or highest interest rate. Now you will have a clear picture of your debt situation.


Make a minimum payment for each of your credit card bills, but then make an extra payment on the bill that is at the top of your list. Do this monthly until that bill is paid in full. Now take the money you were using for that bill and start applying it to the second item on your list. Continue this until all of them are paid off.


If you are already in debt, how are you going to find money for an extra payment?
  Well, some sacrifices will have to be made.  Cutting back on extras like trips to Starbucks, entertainment and eating out can free up cash that can go toward that extra payment each month. 


Sometimes life is a struggle and unexpected challenges such as car repairs or medical expenses will pop up from time to time. As you cut expenses and start to save money, set up an emergency savings account just for these occasions. That way you will be prepared and won’t have to use a credit card and add to your debt.


Give your credit card company a call to see if they will lower your interest rate. If they say no, shop around for a card with a lower rate and transfer your debt (be careful of transfer fees to make sure the transfer benefits you). You can also seek out a consolidation loan from your bank. They will pay off your debt and you can pay them back at a lower interest rate.


As you see your debt decrease and see your cash increase, don’t fall back into old spending habits. As you have more money available, put it right into your savings and soon you will have the money you need for a down payment on your first home!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me, Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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Be the Perfect Host This Holiday Season!

by The Hat Team

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  A time for friends and family to come together to celebrate the holidays.  Many of you will be hosting guests in your homes and while you are surely delighted to spend time with your loved ones, it can be a stressful time as well.

If you are opening your doors to family members or friends this holiday season, here are some ideas for prepping your home so that you’ll be ready to welcome them with open arms

  • Tidy up the house. Use this as motivation to thoroughly clean your house. Get rid of clutter, make small house repairs, and complete your holiday decorating. Prioritize what needs to be done to have your space ready for guests. If you get all this done prior to their arrival, you will have more time and energy to spend with your visitors.
  • Stock up on food and drinks. Make sure you have different types of beverages and snacks that your guests enjoy. It’s nice for them to be able to easily grab a quick snack whenever they want. If you don’t feel comfortable with your visitors searching through your pantry and fridge, provide a basket of goodies and cooler with drinks in their guestroom.
  • Have activities planned for your guests. Depending on how long they are staying, you may want to plan some special events or activities for your guests. Whether it’s a shopping excursion, a day at a museum, a holiday concert or just a nice dinner out, your visitors will appreciate your thoughtfulness in keeping them entertained.
  • Be mindful of the little ones. If your guests include children, be sure to plan for them as well.  If you don’t have children, you may want to pick up a game or some arts and crafts to have around for them.  Find out their food preferences prior to their arrival so that you are prepared to accommodate them at meals. 
  • Provide comfortable sleeping spaces. Be sure to have nice, clean sheets, pillows, and extra blankets.  If you have a guest bedroom that has not been used in a while, strip the bed and wash the bed linens so that they are fresh for your guests.  
  • Provide toiletries.  The guest bathroom should have soap/body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion available for guests. Place some clean, fluffy towels and wash cloths in a basket for your visitors to use.
  • Give instructions for electronics. If the guest room has a television, leave written instructions for how to use the remote so your visitors won’t have to come and ask you for help.

By following these tips and prepping your home ahead of time, you will be able to offer a warm welcome to your guests and enjoy the time you have with them!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me, Sandra Nickel , and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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Creating a Home that Helps the Environment

by The Hat Team

Today’s homebuyers are much more environmentally conscious, and they are looking for homes that are eco-friendly. Luxury homebuyers especially want design elements that support sustainability. The National Association of Realtors 2022 Report on Sustainability states that 63% of members noted that promoting energy efficiency in listings was valuable to them. In addition, millennials are big proponents of “green” living and with them currently making up 43% of home buyers, there will be a large desire for eco-friendly homes that will play a part in protecting the planet.

So, how do you make your home eco-friendlier?  It is surprisingly easy to upgrade your home with green features, while keeping it aesthetically pleasing. Here are some ways to get started:


While they have been around for many years, lots of homeowners are just now beginning to use energy-efficient lightbulbs. They have many benefits, including reducing electricity use and extending the life of the bulb. Per Every Day Health, if each American household exchanged one lightbulb for an energy efficient one, the country would save enough energy to light up to 2.5 million homes each year, and save $600 million in energy costs! One of the most common types of energy efficient lighting are LED bulbs. They come in a larger variety of colors and styles and fit into current fixtures, making switching to energy efficient bulb one of the easiest ways to go green.


Many people may think having a “smart home” is out of reach; that it is something only luxury homeowners can afford. But truthfully, it is one of the best ways to make your home eco-friendly and in the long run, it will save money. Home automation allows appliances to run with the lowest amount of energy required, thus creating lower bills for the homeowner. Automated controls save money, time, energy and reduce your carbon footprint. It is a win for everyone to add smart home technology!


The desire to eat healthy has many people participating in home gardening. With that in mind, urban homeowners have started installing green roofs. There are many benefits to green roofs; they don’t require a backyard, they provide natural cooling, and they are aesthetically pleasing. But most importantly, they are energy efficient. During the summer a green roof protects the building from direct solar heat. When winter arrives, it minimizes heat loss thanks to the extra insulation on the roof. And finally, thanks to the energy conservation it provides, there are fewer greenhouse gas emissions.


If you enjoy gardening and desire to be environmentally friendly, consider creating a living wall in your home. Not only is a living wall a beautiful, organic addition to your living room, entryway, or terrace, but it is also very eco-friendly. It provides natural insulation, reduces energy consumption, and aids in humidity level maintenance. Living Walls are especially popular in hot climates because they require less energy to cool your home.


Did you know that showers make up about 30% of household water use? If you want to conserve water, switching to a low-flow showerhead is the way to do it. It is possible to save approximately 2,900 gallons of water yearly by using low-flow showerheads! Not only will you decrease your home’s water consumption by installing low-flow showerheads, but you will also save energy, lower heating expenses, and reduce your monthly water costs.

These are just a few ways to begin making your home as environmentally friendly as possible. We only have one earth…let’s all do what we can to take care of it!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me, Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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How to Maintain a Great Looking Lawn During Summer

by The Hat Team

Summer has arrived and now is the time to really focus on your lawn. Taking the time to do certain tasks now will not only save you time and money but will have your curb appeal on point for the rest of the summer.

Here is a handy “to do list” of things you should do to care for your lawn during summer:

  1. Take advantage of July 4th sales to buy outdoor power tools. Independence Day sales typically offer great deals; anywhere from 15% to 30% off! 
  2. Begin your outdoor watering schedule. If you’re hot, so is your lawn!  Make sure you are giving it enough water to preserve its curb appeal. It will need at least a half-inch of water a week for warm season grasses found in Alabama. Lawns tend to gulp up water rather than sip it, so be sure to water deeply (up to 30 minutes) rather than frequently. An added benefit will be that you will waste less water this way. Early in the day is the best time to water. 5:00 am is perfect. If you’re not an early riser, you may want to get sprinkler that you can program. By watering early in the morning, it gives your lawn enough time to dry during the day so that fungus doesn’t grow.
  3. Get rid of grubs before they start munching on your lawn. Grubs love to dine on your lawn’s roots. If you don’t prevent that, they will kill your lawn. Replacing dead lawn is expensive: up to $2 per square foot to re-sod. Don’t let that happen! Use preventative care and put down a lawn grub-control product that will eliminate the problem before the eggs hatch and the little pests start munching!
  4. Establish a mowing schedule and stick to it! If you cut your grass too long or too short, or neglect to cut it regularly, your lawn will slowly lose its curb appeal. Prevent that by cutting no more than one-third of the grass blade per mow. If you cut more than that, it will leave your lawn susceptible to pests and disease. 

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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Just Moved In? Make Yourself at Home!

by The Hat Team

Congratulations! You’ve just moved into your new house! It’s exciting, but it’s also a huge transition. It takes time to make a new house feel like home. Here are some tips to help you get started:


If you have moved to a new area where you do not know anyone, you may be tempted to isolate yourself. After all, you have unpacking to do and maybe a new job to start. But try to resist that temptation. Staying socially, physically, and communally active, triggers significant feelings that create the sense of home. Join a gym or exercise class, join a community such as a church, the school PTA or a book club, and shop locally to get to know your surroundings.


A move can be difficult, especially if you are grieving the place you left. It’s not uncommon for people to become depressed after moving to a new home. Combat those feelings by cultivating relationships with living things. Start a garden, spend time with your children and pets or volunteer in the community. Step out of your comfort zone…you will be glad you did!


Decorate with a palette of colors that lift your mood. Choose colors that promote calm, happy feelings. For example, earth tones create a welcoming, comfortable atmosphere that evokes feelings stability, reassurance, and ease, while light pastel colors stimulate feelings of peacefulness, calm and cleanliness.


Even before you are completely settled into your home, placing familiar items such as family pictures and heirlooms in your new space can make it feel more like you. Even if you don’t hang your art right away, take it out of boxes and lean it against walls so that you can still enjoy it until you find time to place it where you want it. Some other ways to make you feel at home: cook favorite meals, burn candles with favorite scents and/or play your favorite music.


This may seem obvious, but it’s not unusual for people to still have boxes cluttering the house months after moving in. Take your belongings out of the boxes right away and begin decorating and arranging furniture. Start with your closets and dressers so that you will be able to find the things you need easily in order to set up the rest of your house. The sooner you do this, the sooner this once strange place will feel like home!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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Planning the Perfect Staycation!

by The Hat Team

With gas prices at an all-time high and everything in general being more expensive right now, many families will be staying close to home this summer. But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your “summer vacation”. Just turn it into a fabulous staycation! There is a plethora of benefits to a staycation. Not only will you save money on travel and accommodation expenses, but you will have the comfort of your own bed at night…and BONUS…no packing! And with your savings, you can spend more money on activities. Just set a budget for your staycation including the costs for groceries, entertainment and activities and you are on your way to a fun family adventure that won’t break the bank!

Check out these ideas for planning the perfect staycation:


If you are taking time off work to spend a week together as a family, don’t wait until that time starts to think of what you want to do. Get any chores done before your staycation starts so that you don’t have to worry about them during our time off. Create an itinerary for your time together. It doesn’t have to be written in stone…you can always change things up if you want to. What you want to avoid is wasting time each day trying to figure out what everyone wants to do.


Yes…you are home. But YOU ARE ON VACATION. That will mean different things for different people. Some might want vacations where they are up and at ‘em first thing every morning and going on one adventure after another. Other people might think a true vacation is sleeping in every morning and not having to wake to an alarm. Whatever the case may be…be sure to make your vacation time different from a normal week at home.


Choose a country you would like to visit and revolve your day around it. Watch a show about the place you would like to visit, play music from that country, and cook traditional meals from there. If there are restaurants in your area that serve foods from the country you choose, check them out!


Set up a tent in your backyard (weather permitting) and camp out at home. Do all the things you might do if you went camping somewhere else. Go on a nature hike, have a campfire and make s’mores, play outdoor games and sleep overnight in the tent!


Whether there is a new movie you all want to see, or if there is an old movie you all love and want to revisit, make it more fun by having a themed movie night. Create snacks, décor and costumes that go along with the theme of the film. Or take it a step further and hold a “Hollywood” premier. Dress up in your finest and walk the red carpet with “paparazzi” snapping photos. Turn your kitchen counter into a movie theater snack bar with popcorn, candy and drinks. Cue up the movie and enjoy a spectacular event at home!


Choose some board games that will be fun for the whole family. Try several different games and have a little tournament to determine the “grand champion”.


Use some of the money you saved by not traveling to eat out or order food in for the entire staycation! Who wants to cook and clean while on vacation? Have easy options for breakfast and lunch and then choose a restaurant for dinner each night. Take this time to try some new places you haven’t been to before just to spice things up a bit. Also…enjoy treats that you might not normally have during a regular week. You’re on vacation!


If it’s nice outside, gather the family and find a local trail where you can go biking or hiking (or both). Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy nature without having to venture far from home.


Often, when you live somewhere, you don’t take advantage of all the tourist opportunities there are there. If you’re planning a staycation, it’s a good time to check out what your local area has to offer. You might be surprised to find all the things there are to do close to home. Go online and search “things to do in Montgomery” and see what you find. You might even discover special events that are happening the week of your staycation.


If you don’t have your own pool, this will be a real treat for you and your kids! Splurge for early check-in and late check-out so you can spend as much time as possible having family fun at the pool!


Save this one for the end of the week. After you have been on the go for several days, a lazy day might be just what you need to relax and rejuvenate before you go back to “normal” life. Sleep in, stay in your pajamas, read, watch tv, and definitely order food to be delivered. Just kick back and enjoy!

Your family may be disappointed that you aren’t going AWAY on a vacation this year, but with a well-planned staycation, there is a lot of fun and adventure to be had!

If you are in the market to buy or sell a home (or both), let me Sandra Nickel, and my Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call us today at 334-834-1500 and check out for more information.

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