You’ve just bough your first home! Congratulations! You got through the process with the help of your Realtor, but now you’ve signed the paperwork and received your keys and it’s time to move in. You may find yourself wondering, “what next?”. Here are some tips to help make your transition to home owner a little less stressful:
- Educate Yourself About Your Mortgage Statement
It’s important that you learn how to read your monthly mortgage statement. When you receive the first one, you will see that there is a lot of information on it. Most importantly, it will tell you the amount due, how to pay it, and the due date.It will also include your loan servicer’s contact information, which you will need if you have any questions about your mortgage. How to Read a Mortgage Statement
- Don’t Pay Attention to Refinance Offers
You might start receiving a lot of unsolicited mail after you move in to your new home.That is because your information becomes public record and companies will start sending you refinancing offers.The thing is, it’s not usually beneficial to you to refinance early on in your mortgage repayment process.It may be a great option for you down the road, but not right away. Mortgage Refinancing: How to Know When the Time is Right
When you close on your house you will sign a lot of papers and you will be given copies of all of them.Be sure to keep these documents together in a safe place.You will need access to them when it comes time to pay your taxes so that you can take advantage of tax savings that come with home ownership. Tax Benefits of Home Ownership in 2020
The day you sign the title to your new home, your home owner’s insurance will go into effect.But there is more work to be done to protect your home and belongings. The smart thing to do is to create a written/photographic inventory of all the valuables in your home.This will be very helpful if a worst-case scenario occurs and your personal property is damaged, stolen or destroyed.If you can present your insurance company with an organized list of what you have lost, it will help expedite your claim. 10 Shortcuts for Completing Your Home Inventory in Record Time
- Give Your New Home a Deep Cleaning
It’s always a good idea to give your new home a deep cleaning before you move in; even if it’s a newly constructed home.It’s so much easier to do this before you have moved all your belongings in and you will feel good about starting out in a freshly cleaned house!
This is a step that many people overlook.You’ve just received the keys to your new home, but many people have had those keys before you.From previous owners, to Realtors, to contractors and more; you really have no idea who might still have access to your home.To ensure your safety, call a locksmith and schedule an appointment to have all your exterior door locks changed the morning after your closing.You will feel safer knowing you are the only ones with keys to your house!
- Educate Yourself About Your Home
Take the time to learn your home systems. Familiarize yourself with your HVAC unit, the circuit breaker, the security system, the fireplace, and the hot water heater. Find where the fire extinguishers are and make sure smoke/carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order.
Becoming a home owner is exciting and sometimes overwhelming, but you can start out on the right foot by following this guide!
If you are in the market to buy or sell a home, let Sandra Nickel and her Hat Team of Professionals assist you with all your real estate needs! Call them today at 334-834-1500!
Photo Credit: SmartAsset.com