4 Tips For Preparing Your Home For Fall and Winter
Of course the first day of fall was a few weeks ago but it sure hasn’t felt much like it. This unseasonably warm weather may have made you forget to prepare your home for the cooler months but I hope to remedy that with this blog post chock full of ideas today. So sit back with your hot cup of pumpkin spice coffee and enjoy this post. Below are a few ideas to help prepare your home for fall and winter.
- If you want to make sure to keep the upcoming cold air drafts out of your house then you need to be sure to go around to each door and check the weather stripping. Make sure there are no cracks, leaks or wear of the weather stripping. If you see that there has been some wear and tear on your weather stripping be sure to replace it as soon as possible so that you will stay nice and toasty warm during the cooler weather. It is also a good idea to check your weather stripping on your windows as well. You can save a lot on your energy bill just by doing this simple task.
- Gutters tend to get full of leaves as months go by and once they get full of leaves and debris they just don’t work like they need to. Be sure to check your gutters and clean them out by hand if they are full. By doing this simple task you will help to ensure that there are no drips and leaks during snowfall or rainy days. Nothing worse than walking out of your house and water hitting you in your face due to faulty gutters.
- Fall and/or winter are a great time to flip your mattress. You have heard of spring cleaning, well fall and winter cleaning is just as important. Flipping your mattress can help it to last quite a bit longer than it otherwise might. Also go ahead and wash all of your linens while you’re flipping mattresses to kill two birds with one stone.
- If you haven’t done so during the summer months, have a professional HVAC person come out to your home to check that your system is properly working. You don’t want to have to worry about freezing while inside your own home this fall and winter. By calling now, you can possibly avoid any heating issues that may take place. If you want to and have the knowledge to do so, you can check to make sure your HVAC system is ready for the cooler month’s yourself.